
Multiple appointment packages & gift certificates

Massage Package: 10 x 60 Minute Package (Pregnancy, Relaxing or Deep Tissue)

Purchase 10 sessions and save £85.50. (£48.45 instead of £57).
It applies for a course of Pregnancy massages, Relaxing treatments, Deep Tissue (to prepare for a sporting event for instance), or a combination of the different techniques to adapt to your needs.

Massage Package: 5 x 60 Minute (AROMATHERAPY or HOT & COLD STONES)

Purchase 5 sessions and save £34 (£61.5 instead of £68).
Aromatherapy is a specific type of therapy that incorporates scented essential oils into a massage. The massage involves alternating between gentle and harder pressure while using a particular blend of essential oils.
The stone massage is a form of alternative medicine massage therapy and bodywork involving the placement of either heated or cooled stones to the body for the purpose of pain relief, relaxation and helps damaged soft tissues throughout your body.

Massage Package: 5 x 60 Minute MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE

Purchase 5 sessions and save £31.25 (£56.25 per session instead of £62.50). Perfect to clear blockages, eliminate metabolic waste and toxins from the body. It helps the transport of nutrients to cells and increases metabolic efficiency. Manual Lymphatic Drainage is used to treat a wide range of conditions:
Glandular fever, ME, Migraine, sinus, Hay fever, recurring infections, pre and postoperative cases (cosmetic surgery, cancer or where lymph nodes have been removed or the lymphatic system has been impaired in some way), toxic build-up, oedema, fluid retention, cellulite and excess weight, some skin conditions, Stress, Anxiety and tensions.

Massage Package: 5 x 30 Minute Package (on Chair or Table)

Purchase 5 sessions and save £17.50 (£31.5 a session instead of £35). Perfect to release the stress and tension for overworked ladies & gents with weekly sessions. Helps to detoxify and improve blood circulation for a clearer and more energised body and mind!
You can choose between having your massage on the massage chair or the massage table. Just let me know which one you prefer in advance so I can prepare the correct equipment.

Massage Package: 5 x 45 Minute Package

Purchase 5 sessions and save £25.75 (£46.35 instead of £51.50).

Perfect to release the stress and tension for overworked ladies & gents with weekly sessions. Helps to detoxify and improve blood circulation for a clearer and more energised body and mind!

Massage Package: 5 x 60 Minute Package

Purchase 5 sessions and save £28.50 (£51.3 per session instead of £57)
Perfect to release the stress and tension for overworked ladies 7 gents with weekly sessions. Helps to detoxify and improve blood circulation for a clearer and more energised body and mind!

Massage Package: 5x20 min Chair Massage

Purchase 5 sessions and save £12 (£21.60 per session instead of £24).
Perfect to release tight shoulders and stubborn muscle knots, decrease stress and tension for overworked people. Weekly sessions are highly recommended for this course in order to feel the benefits. Helps to detoxify and improve blood circulation for a clearer and more energised body and mind!

Massage Package: 5x30 min Indian Head Massage

Purchase 5 sessions and save £20.25 (£37.5 instead of £40.50).
Indian Head massage treatment offers a massage concentrating on the head and hair, however modern developments now include work on the upper back, neck and shoulders. It helps releasing tensions accumulated in these areas, improves blood circulation, boosts blood supply to promote healthy hair, mind clarity and health skin. Its psychological benefits may include the relief of stress, anxiety and depression. It may replace any stagnant energy by helping balance the Chakras.