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Glute Strengthening Series

Glute Strengthening Series

TIME: 12-1PM

This 6-week Glute + Core Series is lead by Marissa Gorjizadeh and is designed to create awareness of your glute + core muscles as well as teach you foundational strategies for activation and strengthening.
We will be exploring breath work, basic anatomy, postural alignment, and functional strength techniques that can be integrated into your daily life and movement practices.

Each class will blend education with exercise and participants will receive a series outline of what to expect week to week.

If you're eager to learn how to build your core + glutes sign up to this challenge today through

Postpartum Series

MomStrong- Postpartum Series 1.0 ( 8 weeks ) ( Taxes Included) Feb 2023

Our Postpartum program is a series of classes over 8 weeks, 1 per week. Classes run every Wednesday from 10am to 11am. Having such a small class allows for a lot of 1:1 attention which you do not receive in larger programs.

The goal for this program is to provide you with a blend of exercise and education to see you through your postpartum journey. Let's be clear, postpartum is anyone who has ever had a baby. That could have been 3 months ago, 12 months ago, or 12 years ago.

This will involve foundational exercises designed with your core and pelvic floor in mind. The exercises you will learn will help to rebuild your core stability, posture, strength, and mobility. We want to help you embrace your postpartum body! We will help you remain active throughout your recovery with appropriate modifications and rebuild your body to a stronger, healthier, more confident version of you!

The education sessions will focus on postpartum recovery, diastasis recti, common pelvic floor related issues, beginners anatomy of the pelvic floor and core, exercise guidelines, how to exercise safely, nutritional needs, and functional movements for motherhood. We ultimately want you to feel strong and confident.

This program is for you if:

You are postpartum (aka anyone who ever birthed a child)

You want guidance on how to exercise after birth

You want to learn how to retrain your core the best way possible

You want to gain strength prior to returning to higher impact exercise

You want to be part of a small group of women in the same boat as you.

You want a better understanding of the female body

Start date : February 22nd, 2023

Postpartum Series 2.0 ( 8 weeks ) ( Taxes Included) Feb 2023

This Postpartum 2.0 program is a series of classes over 8 weeks, 1 per week. It will involve a progression of exercises from the MomStrong Program

All things training + movement + mobility/flexibility + nutrition.

My goal for this program is to progress all of you further than you were able to in the short period of time we had together from our previous series. More exercises, more knowledge, more workouts, more weights and so much fun! I want to utilize the space with all of our equipment.. Dumbbells, TRX, Landmines, Barbells, Pilates Balls, Sled, Air Bike, Rower, Inertia wave are just to name a few.
To show you how exercise + movement can be progressed appropriately to your goals!

There will be individual modifications + workouts to do on your own!

Starts: November 30th at 10:00am or December 1st at 6:00pm
Taking 8 people per group

See you soon!!