Play-Practice Basketball


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8) Packages

Dr Dish All Access Pass

90 day all access pass to use Dr. Dish once a week for 12 weeks! This is a $120. value. To reserve Dr. Dish please text Janet @ 877-307-1257

RBL Summer league, Ignition league training, 8 weeks

This is for 8 weeks of practices/training and 8 weeks of RBL games

The 360 Player Assessment

Our 360 player assessment is designed to give you a holistic view of exactly where your player is, where their strengths and weaknesses lie, and a prescription for how and what they should practice to leverage their effectiveness and start moving forward again.

How it works:

We start with a parent consultation call to get your perspective, then a player discovery call to ask them questions, hear about their experience, and understand their needs

We then ask them to fill out our Player Assessment Scorecard and Mindset Worksheet to capture their perspective on specific skills as well as their current self-perception and aspirations for basketball

Next we analyze a recent game film (if available) to assess decisions and skills they are utilizing in competition

We interview teammates and coaches from a recent team to get their perspective on your player’s strengths/ weaknesses

Finally we perform an on-court evaluation where we measure performance in 6 basic skill areas to round out our assessment process.

We look for the intersections of game performance, skill evaluation, and parent, player, teammate and coach perspectives and use those overlapping areas to pinpoint the top 3 skill priorities that your player can address to have the greatest impact on both their game performance and confidence.

The Coaching Credibility Formula

The Coaching Credibility Formula: Giving you the ability to plan effective practices, and help players produce game results
We are going to do weekly online classes over zoom, and assign you several books to read and thinking/ coaching assignments to do over 12 weeks. We will be progressing from individual player skills, to team tactics, and practice design. It will also include a USA Basketball license and TAGteach intro course! 

The Ignition League, 12 weeks

We help youth basketball players increase their tolerance for intense competition over 6 weeks, so they can experiment with their capabilities in a game atmosphere without the anxiety of performing under extreme pressure.

3-8th grade beginners

12 week program

The Ignition League, 6 weeks

We help youth basketball players increase their tolerance for intense competition over 6 weeks, so they can experiment with their capabilities in a game atmosphere without the anxiety of performing under extreme pressure.

3-8th grade beginners

6 week program

The Injury Prevention Program, Individual, on court 12 weeks

Is your child missing games every season due to injury?

Here’s our solution: The Injury Prevention Program

"We help your youth basketball player reduce their risk of non-contact injuries in 90 days so they can reach high school without being sidelined for a single game!”

What: Physical training that reinforces coordination, stability, and quality movement to prevent players from developing non-contact injuries

Who: 10-18 year old basketball players that want to stay injury free year-round!

12 weeks of on court training

Phase 1: Assess & Align
The Assessment
The Aligner
The Activist
Phase 2: Stabilize & Coordinate
The Stabilizer
The Coordinator
The Resistor
Phase 3: Stop & Go
The Decelerator
The Dynamo
The Force
Phase 4: Explosive Power
The Accelerator
The Reactor
The Athlete

Phase 1 -Correct Misalignments (Initial Postural Evaluation, Functional Movement Screening)
-small activations
-static holds
-isolated movements

Phase 2-Maintain Alignment
-Corrective Progressions

Phase 3-Activation
-small muscle focus
-ex: bridge, supine abduction, single leg gravity drop

Phase 4- Stability
-Full body isometrics
-Loaded, gravity resistance

Phase 5-Functional Movements
-bird dog, squat, step up, rev lunge, cal raise, push up, assisted pull up, shoulder taps

Phase 6 Resistance
-Isolated Strength movements
body weight resistance
-ex: floor press, squat row,

Phase 7-Deceleration
-Controlled, slowed down movements
-single leg control, body control, highly coached
-ex: lateral lunge, agility ladder, single leg hops, jump rope

Phase 8- Dynamic Resistance
3 planes of motion
-Forward and backward
ex: torso rotation, 3 plane lunge, resisted step up, dead squat,

Phase 9-Complete Strength
-Loaded dynamic movements
-Stance changes with heavy resistance
-heavy weights
ex: famers walks, deadlift, bench, pull ups, sled work

Phase 10-Acceleration
-agility and sprint work
-plyometric movements introduced

Phase 11- Explosiveness
-High intensity
-Plyometric progressions
-ex: box jumps, broad jumps, explosive reaction training, med ball slams

Phase 12- Power and Velocity Training
-Multiple movement workouts
-Resisted, dynamic, INTENSE
-Unlimited possibilities


The Injury Prevention Program, Individual, on court 4 weeks

Is your child missing games every season due to injury?

Here’s our solution: The Injury Prevention Program

"We help your youth basketball player reduce their risk of non-contact injuries in 90 days so they can reach high school without being sidelined for a single game!”

What: Physical training that reinforces coordination, stability, and quality movement to prevent players from developing non-contact injuries

Who: 10-18 year old basketball players that want to stay injury free year-round!

4 weeks of on court training

Phase 1: Assess & Align
The Assessment
The Aligner
The Activist
Phase 2: Stabilize & Coordinate
The Stabilizer
The Coordinator
The Resistor
Phase 3: Stop & Go
The Decelerator
The Dynamo
The Force
Phase 4: Explosive Power
The Accelerator
The Reactor
The Athlete

Phase 1 -Correct Misalignments (Initial Postural Evaluation, Functional Movement Screening)
-small activations
-static holds
-isolated movements

Phase 2-Maintain Alignment
-Corrective Progressions

Phase 3-Activation
-small muscle focus
-ex: bridge, supine abduction, single leg gravity drop

Phase 4- Stability
-Full body isometrics
-Loaded, gravity resistance

Phase 5-Functional Movements
-bird dog, squat, step up, rev lunge, cal raise, push up, assisted pull up, shoulder taps

Phase 6 Resistance
-Isolated Strength movements
body weight resistance
-ex: floor press, squat row,

Phase 7-Deceleration
-Controlled, slowed down movements
-single leg control, body control, highly coached
-ex: lateral lunge, agility ladder, single leg hops, jump rope

Phase 8- Dynamic Resistance
3 planes of motion
-Forward and backward
ex: torso rotation, 3 plane lunge, resisted step up, dead squat,

Phase 9-Complete Strength
-Loaded dynamic movements
-Stance changes with heavy resistance
-heavy weights
ex: famers walks, deadlift, bench, pull ups, sled work

Phase 10-Acceleration
-agility and sprint work
-plyometric movements introduced

Phase 11- Explosiveness
-High intensity
-Plyometric progressions
-ex: box jumps, broad jumps, explosive reaction training, med ball slams

Phase 12- Power and Velocity Training
-Multiple movement workouts
-Resisted, dynamic, INTENSE
-Unlimited possibilities


The Injury Prevention Program, Group Package

Is your child missing games every season due to injury?

Here’s our solution: The Injury Prevention Program

"We help your youth basketball player reduce their risk of non-contact injuries in 90 days so they can reach high school without being sidelined for a single game!”

What: Physical training that reinforces coordination, stability, and quality movement to prevent players from developing non-contact injuries

Who: 10-18 year old basketball players that want to stay injury free year-round!

Phase 1: Assess & Align
The Assessment
The Aligner
The Activist
Phase 2: Stabilize & Coordinate
The Stabilizer
The Coordinator
The Resistor
Phase 3: Stop & Go
The Decelerator
The Dynamo
The Force
Phase 4: Explosive Power
The Accelerator
The Reactor
The Athlete

Phase 1 -Correct Misalignments (Initial Postural Evaluation, Functional Movement Screening)
-small activations
-static holds
-isolated movements

Phase 2-Maintain Alignment
-Corrective Progressions

Phase 3-Activation
-small muscle focus
-ex: bridge, supine abduction, single leg gravity drop

Phase 4- Stability
-Full body isometrics
-Loaded, gravity resistance

Phase 5-Functional Movements
-bird dog, squat, step up, rev lunge, cal raise, push up, assisted pull up, shoulder taps

Phase 6 Resistance
-Isolated Strength movements
body weight resistance
-ex: floor press, squat row,

Phase 7-Deceleration
-Controlled, slowed down movements
-single leg control, body control, highly coached
-ex: lateral lunge, agility ladder, single leg hops, jump rope

Phase 8- Dynamic Resistance
3 planes of motion
-Forward and backward
ex: torso rotation, 3 plane lunge, resisted step up, dead squat,

Phase 9-Complete Strength
-Loaded dynamic movements
-Stance changes with heavy resistance
-heavy weights
ex: famers walks, deadlift, bench, pull ups, sled work

Phase 10-Acceleration
-agility and sprint work
-plyometric movements introduced

Phase 11- Explosiveness
-High intensity
-Plyometric progressions
-ex: box jumps, broad jumps, explosive reaction training, med ball slams

Phase 12- Power and Velocity Training
-Multiple movement workouts
-Resisted, dynamic, INTENSE
-Unlimited possibilities

The Parent Impact Program


Is your child leaving you behind?

You enjoy watching the Celtics, and playing hoops in the driveway with your kids. You have volunteered to help the town rec basketball program so that you could spend more time with your child. Your player flourished in the rec program and soon wanted to move up to higher levels of competition with first a 6th grade travel team, and then a 7th grade AAU team.

As your player continues to grow and develop, playing for other coaches and outpacing you in both knowledge and ability, you are beginning to miss the days when they would look to you for advice and find your coaching tips useful...

Lately there has been a lot of:

“Uh huh” *Eye Roll*

“Right, you told me that before"

“You don’t understand”

“That’s not what my coach told me”

Looking toward your player's high school basketball career, you are starting to feel left behind - they no longer see you as a resource for valuable insights, a helpful presence for practicing at home, or able to tell them anything they don't already know.

You have tried watching Youtube videos to educate yourself and get ideas for how to help your player practice, but neither you or your player feel confident in your knowledge or ability to provide the coaching they need.

Now you feel like they are slipping away and that you may be losing that basketball bond forever. Are you going to give up on that connection and valuable part of your relationship?

Now imagine...

Yourself armed with a framework for evaluating potential coaches, designing effective practice for your player at home, and analyzing their game performances.

Imagine how your player would feel if you invested in your education purely to help them, in order to become more capable as an advisor for their basketball career, no matter what level they pursue.

Imagine yourself showing off a certificate to your player as proof of what you learned, and then showing them on the court and on film the precise ways they could improve their practice, their decision making, and their game performance.

Imagine yourself attending tryouts and evaluating coaches while they evaluate your player, becoming a qualified safeguard for your child against ineffective or abusive coaching.

Imagine every interaction throughout your player’s career being a positive experience for both you and your child, instead of a divisive wedge between you!

Announcing: The Parent Impact Program!

"We show parents how to earn the role of a trusted basketball advisor in 90 days, so they can continue to positively impact their child’s development instead of being tuned out during the high school years!”

Stage 1: Simplify practice
Prioritized Practice
Downstream Skills
Precision Feedback
Stage 2: Leverage your time
Game Relevance
Limitation = Innovation
Decision Design
Stage 3: Impact performance
Principles > Patterns
Measure Efficiency
Provide Perspective

The Parent Impact Program was designed to provide parents with practical knowledge for how to address 3 major needs:

How to design and execute effective skill development practice at home
How to objectively analyze game performance to provide valuable information for your player and inform practice design
How to evaluate coaches and find quality programs

Over the course of 12 weeks, we will progress through 9 different topics via online modules, and then have an in-person 2 hour clinic every month to implement the practical steps of each months topics on the court, and provide you and your player a chance to work through a few skills together while we guide and observe and guide you.

Here is how it works:

You register to attend our next free webinar and on-court clinic (and bring your player!)
On the webinar we will provide an overview of 3 introductory concepts, and an in-depth explanation of the 90 day program, as well as an opportunity for Q&A
On the court we will break down our 3 concepts into practical steps and give you a chance to practice implementing them with your player
At the end of the on-court clinic we will be accepting only 6 parents to the full Parent Impact Program for that month, and have a waiting list for the next month
Once registered, you will receive a weekly email with our video on the topic of the week, as well as additional resources, book recommendations, and a 2-min quiz that you can complete on your own schedule
Our monthly 2 hour on-court clinic dates will be scheduled in advance so that you can plan for all 3 months ahead of time (Your player is always welcome to attend for free!)
To earn your certificate of completion, you will submit:
A video of you coaching your player through a skill progression (5 min)
Your analysis of a game film (1 half)
Your observations from evaluating another coach on film

The Play Practice Video Package

Do you ever feel like you can’t capture video while also cheering on your child’s team during games?

Here’s our solution: 
The Play Practice Video Package
What: Game stats, coaches feedback, and a highlight reel of their best plays of the season delivered to you.
Who: Any player that plays their games at the Sports Barn or The Rim - even if they are not in our program!
How: You give us game details of location, court number, and tip off time, your child’s name, jersey color, and number…. and 2 weeks later we send you their video analysis, feedback, and highlights.

Basic Video Package = $297
1 video analysis,
1 feedback video,
1 min highlight reel from workout film only

The Premium Play Practice Video Package

Do you ever feel like you can’t capture video while also cheering on your child’s team during games?

Here’s our solution: 
The Play Practice Video Package
What: Game stats, coaches feedback, and a highlight reel of their best plays of the season delivered to you.
Who: Any player that plays their games at the Sports Barn or The Rim - even if they are not in our program!
How: You give us game details of location, court number, and tip off time, your child’s name, jersey color, and number…. and 2 weeks later we send you their video analysis, feedback, and highlights.

Premium Video Package = $597
2 video analysis,
3 feedback videos,
3 min highlight reel of game film and workout clips