
Gift Certificates


Gift your loved one a healing session. Good towards Chelation Energy Healing, or Tibetan Sound Bowl Healing.

Package Savings

Heart Healing Initiation

Whether you are just beginning your journey or are looking for guidance, this is for you. Release deep emotional pain and patterning that has kept you feeling stuck and unable to move forward in your life. In this sacred initiation you will liberate your heart and begin to access your true divine nature.

This includes 3 hours of deep dive:

Inner child healing to let go of what no longer serves you in this life.
Sacred body movement through Qi Gong, the cultivation of your life force energy, to support your energetic shift in awareness and being.
One hour follow up heart to heart call for additional guidance and support in your journey.

When you purchase your session, you will be able to schedule your inner child healing. From there we will schedule out the Qi Gong and Follow Up Call together.

I can't wait to connect with you!