Julia Cox - Intuitive medium & healer


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Gift Vouchers - in person and online

Reiki & Reading Gift Voucher - 1 hr

A psychic and mediumship reading followed by a healing session.

Reading & Healing Gift Voucher - 75mins

A psychic and mediumship reading followed by a reiki healing session.

Healing Gift Voucher - 30min

In this session, you will receive hands on healing in peace, with hands placed on shoulders as you relax either seated or lying down (or remotely via zoom). The energy is intelligent and flows wherever it is needed, whether that be on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level (or all of these). Approximately 5 minutes is left at the end to share any observations.

Psychic reading - Your life, your soul - 30mins

Psychic reading - about your life and your soul. These readings are most effective when there is a true need. Julia will use her psychic abilities to tap into your energy and soul and bring forward insights about your life situation and souls qualities.

Psychic & Mediumship reading Gift Certificate - 45mins

Psychic & mediumship reading - about your life and your soul, as well as connecting with passed over loved ones. Julia will bring forward insights about your life situation and souls qualities, as well as connect you to passed over loved ones, bringing through their character, shared memories and their message of continued existence and love.