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Biofield Tuning Bundles

Biofield Tuning Adrenal Rhythm Reset Bundle - 3 Sessions

Getting 3 Adrenal Rhythm Reset sessions about a week or two apart can bring much needed balancing to those with overactive busy mind, guilt-driven overdoing, workaholism, as well as PTSD and anxiety. If the adrenals are underachieve, we may feel lethargic, unmotivated, procrastinate, and depressed or tired. This type of session also balances a low functioning adrenal system. To achieve a full Adrenal Rhythm Reset, 1-5 sessions is usually required, a 3-pack is a great way to start, efficient and a great value.

Biofield Tuning Standard Session Bundle - 3 Sessions

Getting 3 Biofield Tuning sessions about a week or two apart is the most efficient way to bring through the shifts you’re looking for. A 3-pack is efficient, a great value and will get you well on your way with the benefits of Biofield Tuning.

Resolving static in the field which constantly gives feedback to our physical and mental experiences can change a lot for a person. Bringing electrical flow back into the body and cells where flow has been blocked or stagnant will jump start good health.

Depending on what your health concern is, it may take a few or a number of sessions over time to fully turn things around. However, this is a wonderful alternative to masking symptoms with pharmaceuticals as it can help the body to return to it's original blueprint for optimum functioning - aka aging backwards!

Receiving 3 Biofield Tuning sessions 1-2 weeks apart is the perfect way to start your Biofield Tuning journey and a great way to grab a value if you're one who likes to receive regular sessions for maintaining your strong health.