Her Wild Soul


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Healing Packages

Crystal Reiki Healing - Buy 4 get one FREE

This package allows you to schedule 5 Crystal Healing Reiki Sessions for continuous healing. Experience the power of a Crystal Healing Reiki session and embrace total relaxation. During each healing journey, you’ll be guided through energy cleansing and chakra activation to help empower your inner self. With crystals adding an extra layer of tranquility and healing - it's time for you to take control! Book now for the ultimate experience in harmony.
These packages make great gifts!

Reiki Healing - buy 4 get one FREE

This package allows you to schedule 5 Reiki Sessions for continuous healing. Time to get your energy flowing again! Reiki is the perfect way to help restore harmony, clear off any blocked vibes, provide a soul-cleansing reset so you can feel more aligned and back in flow. Bye bye mental fog - hello clarity of mind & spirit!
These packages make great gifts too!

Wild Soul Sessions - Buy 4 get one free

This package allows you to schedule 5 Wild Soul Sessions for continuous healing.
In these sessions we'll embark on a soul-stirring journey of deep energetic cleansing and experience soul healing that brings balance, empowerment, and rejuvenation to your very core and allows you to step into the magical realm of YOU where transformation thrives through the power of the 4 Dimensions. By exploring every facet of your being—mentally, energetically, emotionally, and physically—you can achieve deep and lasting change. Together, we'll brew up a unique blend of somatic and esoteric practices, rituals, and soul work that align perfectly with your personality, passions, and purpose. Think releasing trauma, inner child healing, and tapping into your energy with reiki, meditation, sound healing, and more. Let’s unlock your true potential to become the best version of yourself, and watch as your life becomes tapped in and turned on like never before.

Jenessa is intuitively guided in these sessions and is open to using all the modalities in her tool box to bring you an ultimate healing experience