
Dr. Cynthia Esseichick DACM ~ Alchemical Brilliance

Packages: Cosmetic Accupunture

Cosmetic Rejuvenation: 4 Visits

This 4-session package may be used for our cosmetic procedures that may include: Micro-needling, Nano-needling, Red Light, BioMat Infrared Therapy, and body acupuncture for maximum benefit and accelerated results. These sessions are customized to your personal treatment plan designed by Dr. Cynthia with your desires and needs in mind.

Note: For Micro-needling, please allow 3-6 weeks between each treatment.

Nano-needling and regular acupuncture may be done weekly or on alternating weeks from Micro-Needling.

Biomat Infrared Therapy and Body Acupuncture have no timing restrictions.

Cosmetic Rejuvenation: 6 Visits

This 6-session package may be used for our cosmetic procedures that may include: Micro-needling, Nano-needling, Red Light, BioMat Infrared Therapy, and body acupuncture for maximum benefit and accelerated results. These sessions are customized to your personal treatment plan designed by Dr. Cynthia with your desires and needs in mind.

Note: For Micro-needling, please allow 3-6 weeks between each treatment.

Nano-needling and regular acupuncture may be done weekly or on alternating weeks from Micro-Needling.

Biomat Infrared Therapy and Body Acupuncture have no timing restrictions.

Cosmetic Rejuvenation: 8 Visits

This 8-session package may be used for our cosmetic procedures that may include: Micro-needling, Nano-needling, Red Light, BioMat Infrared Therapy, and body acupuncture for maximum benefit and accelerated results. These sessions are customized to your personal treatment plan designed by Dr. Cynthia with your desires and needs in mind.

Note: For Micro-needling, please allow 3-6 weeks between each treatment.

Nano-needling and regular acupuncture may be done weekly or on alternating weeks from Micro-Needling.

Biomat Infrared Therapy and Body Acupuncture have no timing restrictions.