
Mary’s Reflexology and Trinity Healing

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Foot Detox Bath

Delux Foot Detox

This is a package of six optimum focus foot detox bath sessions. This can be divided between two people, 3 each and done AT THE SAME TIME!! Come do a detox with your spouse, friend, sister, brother, son, daughter... you get it!! Enjoy and be healthy together!!!

Introductory Foot Detox

This is a ONE time purchase. You receive 3 foot detox baths to be used within a month.

7 Pack Foot Detox Bath

This package consists of 7 foot detox sessions.
This package is at a $75 discount.
It expires 90 day after purchase.
You may make appointment for 1 time per week or 2 x per week which ever you prefer.

14 pack of Foot Detox Bath

This is 14 sessions of foot detox baths.
Discount of $170 for purchase of package

FULL DETOX PACK 28 Foot Detox Baths

This is the 28 time FULL DETOX PACKAGE Valued at $1,260.00
It is recommended to do this 1 x per year
You have 14 foot bath appts. then give your body a break for 21 days and then do the next 14 foot baths.
Your schedule will vary per person.
For this package foot baths are usually done 1 x per week and not more than 2x per week.