Zenzes Wellness by Winding®


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Bonus Cards (Klippekort)

“Klippekort” 5X Sportsmassage

Package of 5 Sports Massage treatments.... Save the pleasure for you!

"Klippekort" 5 X Relaxation Redefined®

This loyalty card entitles you to have 5 Relaxation Redefined treatments at a reduced price, while also being able to place the reservation during the weekends at your reduced price. This card is meant for those of you who would like to come on regular basis so you can place the booking when you see fit. Card expires in 12 months from purchase date. *Loyalty Cards are non-refundable. However, Redeem Code can be shared by your loved ones.

"Klippekort" 10 X Sportsmassage 2.0

This loyalty card entitles you to have 10 Sports Massage treatments at a reduced price, while also being able to place the reservation during the weekends at your reduced price. This card is meant for those of you who would like to come on regular basis so you can place the booking when you see fit. Card expires in 12 months from purchase date. *Loyalty Cards are non-refundable. However, unique redeem code can be shared by your loved ones.

"Klippekort" 10 X Relaxation Redefined®

This loyalty card entitles you to have 10 Relaxation Redefined treatments at a reduced price, while also being able to place the reservation during the weekends at your reduced price. This card is meant for those of you who would like to come on regular basis so you can place the booking when you see fit. Card expires in 12 months from purchase date. *Loyalty Cards are non-refundable. However, unique Redeem Code can be shared by your loved ones.