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Gift Certificates

Photography Lesson Gift Certificate $100

Send a gift of $100 off towards private photography lessons in a location of their choosing. Lessons are tailored to their skills & interests.

Photography Lesson Gift Certificate $200

Send a gift of $200 off towards private photography lessons in a location of their choosing. Lessons are tailored to their skills & interests.

Photography Lesson Packages & Enrollments

Photography School Enrollment - Aspiring Pro

$20.00 initial setup plus $240.00 per month
Enrollment to Aspiring Pro Photography School is a recurring subscription-based class that includes, per month:
•Two 2-hour private lessons in the field
•1-hour photo review session online

A $370 value for $240 every month.

Additional lessons may be scheduled at a discounted rate.

Any unused lessons in a month are rolled over to following months.

Photography School Enrollment - Enthusiast

$20.00 initial setup plus $140.00 per month
Enrollment to Enthusiast Photography School is a recurring subscription-based class that includes, per month:
•One 2-hour private lesson in the field
•1-hour photo review session online

A $220 value for $140 every month.

Additional lessons may be scheduled at a discounted rate.

Any unused lessons in a month are rolled over to following months.

Studio Rental

Monthly Studio Rental - 12 hours/month

$50.00 initial setup plus $420.00 per month
Rent the studio for twelve hours per month. Unused hours roll over to the following month.

Monthly Studio Rental - 4 hours/month

$50.00 initial setup plus $180.00 per month
Rent the studio for four hours per month. Unused hours roll over to the following month.

Monthly Studio Rental - 8 hours/month

$50.00 initial setup plus $320.00 per month
Rent the studio for eight hours per month. Unused hours roll over to the following month.