
Malta Midwives Association

Complementary Therapies

Acupuncture 1st Trimester

Pregnancy Acupuncture - 1st Trimester

Week 0-13

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. Pregnancy Acupuncture Treatment involves minimal intervention, is drug-free and supports you & your baby's natural physiology.

Acupuncture in the first trimester of pregnancy can ease many uncomfortable symptoms such as

Because of the attentive care required in this trimester, acupuncture during the first trimester is recommended weekly, depending on your symptoms and general health.

Pregnancy acupuncture is provided by licensed Midwife & Acupuncturist Ms Monique Abela

Duration: 1 hour
Fee: €50
Booking Fee: €0.80

Acupuncture 2nd Trimester

Pregnancy Acupuncture - 2nd Trimester

Week 14-27

During the second trimester many changes take place in the mother’s body. Acupuncture during this trimester is important for regulating the digestive and nervous systems, as well as the endocrine system, all of which are necessary to maintain a healthy, full-term pregnancy.

Acupuncture during the second trimester is beneficial for:
-Sciatica, pelvic, back, and rib pain
-Ligament pain 
-Heartburn and indigestion 

Acupuncture during the second trimester is recommended 2-4 times a month, depending on your symptoms and general health.

Pregnancy acupuncture is provided by licensed Midwife & Acupuncturist Ms Monique Abela

Duration: 1 hour
Fee: €50
Booking Fee: €0.80

Acupuncture 3rd Trimester

Pregnancy Acupuncture - 3rd Trimester

Week 28-40

Acupuncture during your third trimester is used to regulate the musculoskeletal system to provide relief from sciatica, backache, pubic and joint pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Treatment during the third trimester also encourages the proper positioning of the baby for birth and helps normalize and optimize labor.  Around week 34-36, we begin pre-birth Acupuncture to prepare the body for healthy labor and delivery. 

Acupuncture during the third trimester is beneficial for:
-Pelvic pain
-Back pain
-Breech Presentation
-Labour Preparation
-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Acupuncture during the third trimester is recommended weekly, depending on your symptoms and general health.

Pregnancy acupuncture is provided by licensed Midwife & Acupuncturist Ms Monique Abela

Duration: 1 hour
Fee: €50
Booking Fee: €0.80

Pre-birth Acupuncture

Pre-birth Acupuncture

Weeks 36-40

Pre-birth Acupuncture can reduce the length of labor, prevent overdue births, and accelerate cervical ripening and dilation. 

These treatments can reduce the need for medical inductions, pain medication and epidurals, and emergency c-sections, and increases the likelihood of a normal vaginal birth. Studies have shown pre-birth acupuncture to reduce the need for induction by 35% (43% in first time mothers), reduce the need for epidural by 31%, and reduce emergency cesarian deliveries by 32%. 

We tailor treatments specific to a woman's pregnancy history, constitution and current symptoms. The focus of pre-birth acupuncture treatments is to:
-ripen the cervix and assist effacement
-enhance overall energy and stamina necessary for a healthy labor
-assist the baby in being in the best position for labor
-Pre-birth acupuncture is recommended weekly, depending on your symptoms and general health, from week 36 until baby is born.

Pregnancy acupuncture is provided by licensed Midwife & Acupuncturist Ms Monique Abela

Duration: 1 hour
Fee: €50
Booking Fee: €0.80

Turning a Breech Baby

Turning a Breech Baby

Week 33-36

If your baby is in breech position and has not yet turned head-down by 33 weeks, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment have a high success rate in helping turn the baby. It is one of the most tested techniques in Chinese medicine and has a turn success rate of between 76% and 85% in successive clinical trials. The technique is most effective between the 33th and up through the 36th week of pregnancy. Babies can turn at any time, however it occurs less often passed 36 weeks as the baby grows leaving it with less space.

For centuries Chinese Medicine has been addressing breech presentation with a technique called moxabustion. Moxabustion is used to heat certain acupuncture points which influence the mother’s hormones and result in increased fetal movement that encourage the baby to move in to an optimal head down birthing position.

Treatment for breech presentation is recommended in a series of 2 sessions, depending on turn response from baby. At home treatment will be explained.

Pregnancy acupuncture is provided by licensed Midwife & Acupuncturist Ms Monique Abela

Duration: 1 hour
Fee: €50
Booking Fee: €0.80

Acupuncture for Labour Induction Support

Acupuncture for Labour Induction Support

Week 40 +

Acupuncture has been used very successfully for thousands of years to support in inducing women who are over-due in their pregnancy. Acupuncture works by stimulating the mother’s body to ready itself for labor.  Needling will encourage the body to naturally release prostaglandins to soften and ripen the cervix for labor, and oxytocin to trigger contractions. Because the body produces its own hormones, and the process in natural, the mother and child will experience a gradual, less-traumatic onset of labor. While these points are avoided throughout most of the pregnancy, they work wonderfully for signaling the body to go into labor at full term. 

Gently needling these specific points on the body can help to reduce the length of labor, prevent overdue births, and accelerate cervical ripening and dilation. Most women who have reached full gestation will need only one to four treatments before labor occurs. According to studies, induction acupuncture is 70-88% effective. Labor typically begins between six and forty-eight hours after a treatment.

Women who have already been receiving pre-birth acupuncture in the third trimester respond more quickly to natural induction support treatments, and often do not even need to receive labor induction support.

Acupuncture for labor induction is recommended in a series of 4 treatments scheduled once a woman is full term or 40 weeks.

Pregnancy acupuncture is provided by licensed Midwife & Acupuncturist Ms Monique Abela

Duration: 1 hour
Fee: €50
Booking Fee: €0.80

Full Body Mother Massage

Massage conducted by Ms Denise Holmes CIBTAC masseur/midwife. Malta Midwives Association will contact you by email once you pay for this appointment to confirm a date and time with you.

Kindly note that till the 8th of April there is no available slots.

Fee: €40
Booking Fee: €0.80

Back Massage

Massage conducted by Ms. Denise Holmes CIBTAC masseur/midwife. Malta Midwives Association will contact you by email once you pay for this appointment to confirm a date and time with you.

Kindly note that till the 8th of April there is no available slots.

Fee: €20
Booking Fee: €0.80

Indian Head Massage

Massage conducted by Ms Denise Holmes CIBTAC masseur/midwife. Malta Midwives Association will contact you by email once you pay for this appointment to confirm a date and time with you.

Kindly note that till the 8th of April there is no available slots.

Fee: €20
Booking Fee: €0.80

Personalised Baby Massage

Personalized baby massage conducted by Ms Denise Holmes IAIM infant massage instructor/midwife. A one-hour session is offered at our premises in Msida. This is one personalised session of the 4 sessions of the Baby Massage course. The baby has to be from newborn till 1 year old. Prepare a nappy changing mat and towel. Everything else is provided.

Kindly note that till the 8th of April there is no available slots.

Fee: €25
Booking Fee: €0.80