
A LoveThing Healing Arts

Integrative Massage

60 min Integrative massage


Integrative Massage/Reiki Housecall


90 minute Integrative Massage

90-minute massage customized to you. Based on how you're feeling, and focusing on all aspects of you. The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. A short respite to rest, relax, and leave feeling more rejuvenated.

120 minute Integrative massage

Please use this link to book your session: https://alovethinghealingartsscheduling.as.me/
Feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns at:
I look forward to seeing you soon 😊

Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage Housecall

One hour oncology massage session in your home.

60 minute Oncology Massage


90 minute Oncology Massage

Book your appointment here: https://alovethinghealingartsscheduling.as.me/
Please reach out with any questions or concerns at danica@alovethinghealingarts.com
I look forward to seeing you 😊


Reiki + Roses

Book your appointment here: https://alovethinghealingartsscheduling.as.me/
Please reach out with any questions or concerns at danica@alovethinghealingarts.com
I look forward to seeing you 😊

60 Minute Reiki Session

One hour Reiki treatment.

90 min Reiki session


120 minute Reiki session

Book your appointment here: https://alovethinghealingartsscheduling.as.me/
Please reach out with any questions or concerns at danica@alovethinghealingarts.com
I look forward to seeing you 😊

Spiritual Restoration

Soul Journey
