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Plastic Surgery Recovery Massage

Extended Lymphatic Massage Package

Save $10 on each appointment with a package of 5!

60 minute appointments are ideal for full body lymphatic drainage massage, or to combine lymphatic drainage, scar tissue release, and fibrosis massage after surgery/liposuction.

Post op massage should begin 1-2 weeks after surgery and continue once or twice/wk until swelling resolves and desire result is achieved. It may take 5 - 20 treatments total depending on your health, the procedure, and your home care.

Core Lymphatic Massage Package

Save $25 with a package of 5!

30 minute appointments are ideal for treating a small area of the body, such as the face, abdomen, or arms. If your procedure affected multiple areas of the body or you're experiencing severe swelling or fibrosis, we recommend 60 minute appointments instead.

Post op massage should begin 1-2 weeks after surgery and continue once or twice/wk until swelling resolves and desire result is achieved. It may take 5 - 20 treatments total depending on your health, the procedure, and your home care.