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Conquer Your Clutter Coaching - Series of 6 (1hr) Sessions

Conquer Your Clutter Coaching
Get the 1x1 support and direction you need to make progress in your decluttering and organizing efforts!

In these six, one-hour weekly coaching sessions* (via zoom) you will be coached to do the work needed to minimize and organize your space, and build sustainable routines and systems to maintain order.

You will receive:
• Help in determining where to start
• Support in making difficult decisions through the letting go process
• Help in determining your preferred way of doing and seeing things
• Advice on systems to meet your needs
• Tips and education related to the tenets of organization and best organizational practices
• Advice on necessary system-building supplies where applicable
• Unlimited mail support in between sessions

Let’s get to work in bringing your goal of conquering your clutter to the finish line.

* These coaching sessions are intended to support you in moving towards the ultimate goal of being organized. There is no guarantee of project completion after a package has concluded. Completion depends on the scope of the work, whether there is unforeseen clutter, and on the client’s ability to do the work necessary to make progress.

Hands-on Organizing

Hands-on Organizing - Package of 3 (3hr) Sessions


Hands-on Organizing - Package of 3 (4hr) Sessions


Lifestyle Coaching

Minimalist Lifestyle Coaching - Package of 12 (1hr) Sessions

The Minimalist Coaching program is designed to help you physically and mentally clear the clutter from your space and your head, and streamline your life so you can live more intentionally and deliberately.

Through twelve remote coaching sessions, we will apply Francesca's Minimalist Method to help you
* discover where you are cluttered and unwell
* gain clarity on what you want in your life and how you want to live it
* develop a solid vision for your life
* first, determine, and then declutter the thoughts, things (and even people) that weigh you down, add stress to your life, and overwhelm you.
* build sustainable systems, and find peace in your day-to-day despite the curve balls life throws you.

You will receive:
* Coaching to help you get your mindset ready and willing to learn, change and grow.
* Guidance and motivation to stay on what can be a difficult, overwhelming, and emotional path.
* A simple plan of action and support to create systems for better functioning of your time, mind, and space.
* Resources to increase your knowledge about organization, minimalism, and living a healthy lifestyle.
* Unlimited email support in between sessions to help you stay on track with your goals.

Remote Organizing

Remote Organizing - Series of 3 (90 minute) Sessions

Remote Organizing Session PLUS 30 minute free Discovery Call (for first time Remote Session clients). These 90 minute weekly coaching sessions via zoom will guide, support and motivate you to organize your space and build sustainable routines and systems to maintain order. You will be coached weekly to do the work needed to attain order and a sense of well-being in your space.

If this is your first time purchasing a Remote Organization Session, a free 30-minute zoom video session is available to you so that Francesca can more fully assess your needs and maximize the time spent in your Remote Organizing Sessions. Once you have purchased your package, and scheduled at least your first remote session, you will receive instruction on booking your free 30-minute discovery/assessment call.

Remote Organizing - Series of 6 (90 minute) Sessions

Remote Organizing Session PLUS 30 minute free Discovery Call (for first time Remote Session clients). These 90 minute weekly coaching sessions via zoom will guide, support and motivate you to organize your space and build sustainable routines and systems to maintain order. You will be coached weekly to do the work needed to attain order and a sense of well-being in your space.

If this is your first time purchasing a Remote Organization Session, a free 30-minute zoom video session is available to you so that Francesca can more fully assess your needs and maximize the time spent in your Remote Organizing Sessions. Once you have purchased your package, and scheduled at least your first remote session, you will receive instruction on booking your free 30-minute discovery/assessment call.