

Online Packages

Feel Better Fast

This package is perfect for establishing sustainable change if you are someone dealing with a long-term health condition and you need to feel better fast.

It’s particularly potent for those experiencing:
• Chronic pain
• Chronic fatigue
• Depression or anxiety, or both
• Difficulty sleeping
• Mood swings
• Loss of self.

The aim of our work together is to make a significant, measurable shift in how you feel about yourself, and how your body feels when you commit to occupying it 100%.

These sessions are delivered with you as an active participant in receiving not just healing, but also the skills and confidence to continue your own self-healing.

The level of change you can anticipate is dependent on your body’s current capacity for change. Starting there, over subsequent weeks we invite this capacity to gently expand so that more change becomes available.

As well as having the physical experience that change is possible, outcomes for this package generally include:
• Less pain
• Reduced stress
• Better sleep
• More even moods
• A higher sense of joy
• Self-acceptance and understanding
• A greater sense of wellbeing and lightness
• More confidence and a sense of being in charge again

Feel Better Fast includes 1 x initial consult (90 mins) and 5 x follow-up consults (75mins), over 6 weeks.

Note: Are you a concession holder or on a pension? Please contact me before booking as there is additional information you need.

Integrated Change

Change the trajectory

Choosing up instead of down is easy. Maintaining an upward trend when you live with a chronic illness isn’t.

This package is for you if you experience any or all of the following, and you know it’s time to change, but you’re scared that change might be beyond you.

• Chronic pain
• Chronic fatigue
• Depression or anxiety, or both
• Difficulty sleeping
• Mood swings
• Loss of self
• Lack of motivation
• Disconnected from family and friends
• Tried everything and nothing works for long.

Integrated Change provides the support, backup crew, cheer squad, motivator, and inspirator when you are ready to draw a line in the sand.

Our aim is to make a significant, measurable shift in how you feel about yourself, your body, your situation, your choices, and to identify and strengthen the key element that connects you directly to your inner healer.

These sessions are delivered with you as an active participant in receiving not just healing, but also the skills and confidence to continue your own self-healing.
Part coaching, part mentoring, part healing, you can expect to receive a:
• renewed understanding and appreciation of your divine nature
• self-healing tools to better manage chronic pain, fatigue, and stress
• clear understanding of what change is possible and how to make it
• renewed sense of purpose
• more energy and less pain
• a more loving relationship with self that ripples out into all of your relationships.
• the fulfillment of taking radical responsibility for your own wellbeing and quality of life.

Integrated Change includes 1 x initial consult (90 mins) and 11 x follow-up consults (75mins), over 12 weeks.

Note: Are you a concession holder or on a pension? Please contact me before booking as there is additional information you need.