
Heart to Heart Packages

Heart Connection Session -Leading You Into An Encounter With Jesus

A one hour heart connection session focused on leading you into an encounter with God, so you can experience the love of the Father and learn to hear His voice as He speaks directly to your heart.

Teen Sessions Package: 3 -30 min Heart to Heart Sessions

This package is designed to help teens (13-19) to repair and replace identity issues that cause stumbling blocks in their journey of discovering their identity.

Renewal: the replacing or repair of something that is worm out, rundown or broken.

Includes three Individual 30 Min Teen Heart-to-Heart Sessions*.

*valid for 6 months

The Renewal Package: 3 Heart to Heart Sessions

This package will help to repair and replace identity issues that cause stumbling blocks and keep you from the freedom life in Jesus promises.

Renewal: the replacing or repair of something that is worn out, rundown or broken.

Includes three Individual One-Hour Heart-to-Heart Sessions*.

These sessions will set you on a path to true freedom and will give you tools to use along the way. Our desire is that you will see the true heart of God and experience His love in a new and precious way.

*valid for 6 months (must be used with 6 months, no exceptions)

The Transformation Package: 6 Heart-to-Heart Sessions

This package will help to repair and replace identity issues that cause stumbling blocks and keep you from the freedom life in Jesus promises.

Transformation: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.

Includes six Individual One-Hour Heart-to-Heart Sessions*.

These sessions will set you on a path to true freedom and will give you tools to use along the way. Our desire is that you will see the true heart of God and experience His love in a new and precious way.

*valid for 12 months (must be used within 1 year, no exceptions)