
(#13) 4 One-On-One Sessions Starter Package

This starter package of four sessions is a great way to begin your healing journey in Voice or Ascension work. New clients only. (To schedule your sessions, click on the SCHEDULE link in your confirmation email or receipt page.)

(#13) Voice for Twin Flames

Working with the voice in speaking and singing can be another way to deepen into your truest self, and that true self is who your Twin Flame is most attracted to. This 4 session package uses the Mirror Exercise, vocal technique, meditation, and fun to unblock your true voice. 1 hr per sesssion. $222

(#13) Bimonthly One-On-One Coaching Subscription

per month
Claim two one-on-one sessions per month as you build foundation to your harmonious life and voice. This subscription is a great way build up to full weekly support. Cancel subscription anytime. (To schedule your sessions, click on the SCHEDULE link in your confirmation email or receipt page.)

(#13) One-On-One Coaching Subscription

per month
Consistent private coaching is the best gift you can give yourself on your healing journey. Go all in to receive consistent one-on-one support to release all the blocks to your harmonious voice and life. This subscription gives you 4 sessions per month. (To schedule your sessions, click on the SCHEDULE link in your confirmation email or receipt page.)

(#13) Group Ascension Coaching Subscription

per month
Group coaching is a beautiful way to deepen your Ascension journey as one healing heals the whole group. Expand and explore with a fellowship once a week. Mondays 6pm EST. Cancel anytime.

(#13) Group Voice Coaching Subscription

per month
There is magic that happens when singing in a group. One person moves through something the whole group needs, so each client's healing heals the entire group. This is an excellent option for deepening and connecting in the voice work. Heal, grow, and sing together in this weekly class. Contact Caroline for more information.