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Studio Fee Package

6 Studio Fees for the price of 5

Save £5
Book a package of 6 studio fees

Use the code sent to redeem immediately using quick link provided, OR redeem it over time. A printable gift certificate is shown after purchase.

THIS IS AN ON-LINE PURCHASE ONLY! It must be purchase prior to booking!!! The code can only be used for on-line purchases.

The Studio Fee reserves your appointment time.
It covers use of all materials (paints, brushes, stencils etc..), glazing and firing of pottery, and of course our assistance.

Pay for the items you paint on the day!

8 Studio Fees - Save 20%

Save 20%
Book a package of 8 studio fees

Use the code sent to redeem immediately using quick link provided, OR redeem it over time. A printable gift certificate is shown after purchase.

THIS IS AN ON-LINE PURCHASE ONLY! It must be purchased prior to booking!! The code can only be used for on-line purchases.

The Studio Fee reserves your appointment time.
It covers use of all materials (paints, brushes, stencils etc..), glazing and firing of pottery, and of course our assistance.
Pay for the items you paint on the day!

Studio Fee Gift

Gift of ONE studio Fee

£5 Studio Fee Per Person is required to secure bookings
Pay for the items decorated on the day

A Studio Fee covers the use of all the materials & paints you require during your session, the glazing & firing of your pottery, and our assistance.

A Studio Fee is required by each person wishing to take a seat in the studio.

Pottery items Start at £10 and range from plates/bowls/mugs to household items and figurines for both adults and children.

Use the code sent to redeem immediately using quick link provided, or redeem it over time. A printable gift certificate is shown after purchase.