

6 week Pilates class block -W/C 12th August

Whether you are a complete beginner or someone who loves pilates, our all abilities classes are perfect for you

During the classes
-we will show you safe & effective exercises to mobilize your joints so you can move more freely
-We will show you specific exercises to strengthen your muscles, so your aches & pains start to ease.
You'll be shown quick exercises you can do in less than 5 minutes to avoid your muscles becoming tight & painful.​

By the end of the 6th class you will be on your way to becoming stronger and feeling more confident.

Book your weekly class at either :

Tuesday 9.30am - Epworth Imperial Hall
Tuesday - 10.30am - Improver Pilates - Epworth Imperial Hall
Tuesday 6pm - Barnby Dun Old School Hall

Wednesday 7pm - St Pauls Church, Wheatley

Thursday 9am - Cantley Community Centre -
Thursday 10am - Cantley Community Centre -
Thursday 6.30pm - Belton Pavilion
Thursday 7.30pm - Improvers pilates - Belton Pavilion

Can't make your usual class? Not to worry, you can book in to one of the other weekly sessions!

The block of 6 will begin week commencing12th August and run for 6 consecutive weeks

Please read our Terms and Conditions
Purchase is confirmation that you agree with the below
1.Scope of Participation
1.1 All services purchased from the Company must be preceded by the applicant declaring any physical and/or medical limitations, which may affect their
ability to participate
1.2 The Participant assumes responsibility of checking with their medical practitioner, physiotherapist, or other health care professional for medical readiness prior to participating.
1.3 The Company is dedicated to providing a Programme which is personalised to the participants as much as is possible within the chosen Programme. Whilst every effort is made to keep the Programme both safe and effective there is a risk of injury or death with every physical activity. The participant acknowledges that they are taking part of their own free will, and are aware of the risks stated. The Participant agrees that neither they, their heirs, assigns nor legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against the Company whether for personal injury, property damage/loss or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
1.4 We reserve the right to refuse access to any Programme participant, if in our absolute discretion, we consider that the health of the individual concerned may be endangered.
1.5 The Participant agrees that the Programme is non-transferable and is only for use by the Customer who has signed up to the Programme.
1.6 We are committed to providing all Programme participants with a positive experience. By signing overleaf, you agree that the Company may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement, and limit, suspend, or terminate your participation in the Programme without refund or forgiveness of monthly payments if you become aggressive, disruptive or difficult to work with.
Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of your class in order to sign in, settle accounts and change. Classes (all sessions) are 45 minutes long.
3. Hours and Weeks of Programme
3.1 Because we believe in having balance in our lives, and recommend the same to our clients, the Company operates for 48 of the 52 weeks of the year and sessions will be arranged accordingly. These 4 weeks start afresh as of the 1st January.
3.2 Participants are asked to arrive timely for sessions. You agree to arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled session time to ensure a smooth change over and/or you are ready to begin on time.
4. For your comfort and house-keeping
1. Please provide an accurate physical / medical history in your chart.
2. Pilates is a "hands on" approach. If this is uncomfortable for you in any way, please inform us. (Please note during Covid-19 restrictions there will be NO HANDS ON)
3. Please wear comfortable workout clothing that will enable your instructor to observe the functioning of your body. Socks are essential.
Nothing with zips.
4. Please remove your shoes as you enter the studio.
5. Please use the cleaning material provided to wipe down equipment after every class.
6. Mobile conversations are not allowed in the studio. Please "silence" your phone. Your courtesy will be appreciated.
5. Payments / Cancellations / Refunds
1. Payment for classes must be made in advance.
2. CANCELLATIONS MUST BE MADE 24 HOURS BEFORE THE START OF THE FACE TO FACE CLASS, to allow people on the reserve list to join the class. If you are unable to join a face to face class you have the option to book on to one of our other remaining classes (subject to space and if cancellation is prior to 24 hour before class)
2.1 The membership includes face to face classes
3. Payment is to be made in 6 week blocks via our Acuity page.
4. NOTICE PERIOD: Please give us as much notice as possible if, for whatever reason, your regular time at our studio has to come to a permanent conclusion.
5. If you choose to cancel your Program this must be done before the start of the block
6. Cancellations must be made by text message or telephone call to 07941699931
Once the programme as commenced, refunds are not permitted.

Refunds are not payable in the following circumstances: -
• You have changed your mind.
•If you do not inform us of an injury that impacts your ability to attend the paid for classes
• Refunds are not payable for Sessions which have taken place
• You have completed the programme.
• You have booked Pilates Sessions and are not at the agreed location to receive the session at the appointed time.
• An appointment needs to be cancelled by the Company due to severe external conditions. An alternative appointment will be offered for a future appointment or an additional class will be added to your next month’s allowance of classes.
6. Personal Property
6.1 Personal property brought to sessions are done so at the participants own risk and the Company does not accept liability for any loss or damage whatsoever to such items. For security reasons participants are advised to leave valuable items at home, and to keep personal belongings with them at all times.
7. Changes to Programme
7.1 Because we believe in constant improvement, you agree that the form and nature of the Programme may change from time to time without prior notice to you.
8. Media and technology
8.1 Clients recognise that technology is a powerful tool within marketing and sharing amazing results with members of the public. Therefore, Clients give permission for photography, filming and social media communication can take place during (and outside) the Programme and unless otherwise told the Company has permission to display media such as photos and videos of Clients on facebook/website and other marketing sources.
Clients understand that any comment they say/write/film can be used as a testimonial to promote the Company. This includes photos as well.
9. Privacy
We respect your privacy and must insist that you respect the privacy of fellow Programme participants. By signing overleaf, you agree not to violate the publicity or privacy rights of any participant.
(1) Not to infringe any participant’s or the Company’s copyright,
(2) That any confidential Information shared by participants or any representative of the Company is confidential and proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the participant who discloses it or the Company,
(3) You agree not to disclose such information to any other person or use it in any manner other than in discussion with other participants during sessions.
By signing this Agreement, you further agree that
(4) All materials and information provided to you (for example exercise plans) by the Company are its confidential and proprietary intellectual property, belonging solely and exclusively to the Company and may only be used by you as authorised by the Company.
(5) The reproduction, distribution and sale of these materials by anyone but the Company is strictly prohibited.
Further, by signing this Agreement, you agree that, if you violate, or display any likelihood or violating, any of your agreements contained in these terms and conditions, the Company and/or other participant(s) will be entitled to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations and to protect against the harm of such violations.
10. Communication
We value your feedback. Please feel free to email us with any concerns or comments to tony@balancedcoaching.co.uk
11. Conclusion
We have made every effort to accurately represent the Programme and it's potential. Each individual’s results depend on many factors, including their individual considerations from the outset, his or her dedication, desire, and motivation. By accepting these terms and conditions you acknowledge and agree to all of the above.

5 class block -W/C 12th August

Whether you are a complete beginner or someone who loves pilates, our all abilities classes are perfect for you

During the classes
-we will show you safe & effective exercises to mobilize your joints so you can move more freely
-We will show you specific exercises to strengthen your muscles, so your aches & pains start to ease.
You'll be shown quick exercises you can do in less than 5 minutes to avoid your muscles becoming tight & painful.​

By the end of the 6th class you will be on your way to becoming stronger and feeling more confident.

Book your weekly class at either :

Tuesday 9.30am - Epworth Imperial Hall
Tuesday - 10.30am - Improver Pilates - Epworth Imperial Hall
Tuesday 6pm - Barnby Dun Old School Hall

Wednesday 7pm - St Pauls Church, Wheatley

Thursday 9am - Cantley Community Centre
Thursday 10am - Cantley Community Centre -
Thursday 6.30pm - Belton Pavilion
Thursday 7.30pm - Improvers pilates - Belton Pavilion

Can't make your usual class? Not to worry, you can book in to one of the other weekly sessions!

The block of 6 will begin week commencing 12th August and run for 6 consecutive weeks

Please read our Terms and Conditions
Purchase is confirmation that you agree with the below
1.Scope of Participation
1.1 All services purchased from the Company must be preceded by the applicant declaring any physical and/or medical limitations, which may affect their
ability to participate
1.2 The Participant assumes responsibility of checking with their medical practitioner, physiotherapist, or other health care professional for medical readiness prior to participating.
1.3 The Company is dedicated to providing a Programme which is personalised to the participants as much as is possible within the chosen Programme. Whilst every effort is made to keep the Programme both safe and effective there is a risk of injury or death with every physical activity. The participant acknowledges that they are taking part of their own free will, and are aware of the risks stated. The Participant agrees that neither they, their heirs, assigns nor legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against the Company whether for personal injury, property damage/loss or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
1.4 We reserve the right to refuse access to any Programme participant, if in our absolute discretion, we consider that the health of the individual concerned may be endangered.
1.5 The Participant agrees that the Programme is non-transferable and is only for use by the Customer who has signed up to the Programme.
1.6 We are committed to providing all Programme participants with a positive experience. By signing overleaf, you agree that the Company may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement, and limit, suspend, or terminate your participation in the Programme without refund or forgiveness of monthly payments if you become aggressive, disruptive or difficult to work with.
Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of your class in order to sign in, settle accounts and change. Classes (all sessions) are 45 minutes long.
3. Hours and Weeks of Programme
3.1 Because we believe in having balance in our lives, and recommend the same to our clients, the Company operates for 48 of the 52 weeks of the year and sessions will be arranged accordingly. These 4 weeks start afresh as of the 1st January.
3.2 Participants are asked to arrive timely for sessions. You agree to arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled session time to ensure a smooth change over and/or you are ready to begin on time.
4. For your comfort and house-keeping
1. Please provide an accurate physical / medical history in your chart.
2. Pilates is a "hands on" approach. If this is uncomfortable for you in any way, please inform us. (Please note during Covid-19 restrictions there will be NO HANDS ON)
3. Please wear comfortable workout clothing that will enable your instructor to observe the functioning of your body. Socks are essential.
Nothing with zips.
4. Please remove your shoes as you enter the studio.
5. Please use the cleaning material provided to wipe down equipment after every class.
6. Mobile conversations are not allowed in the studio. Please "silence" your phone. Your courtesy will be appreciated.
5. Payments / Cancellations / Refunds
1. Payment for classes must be made in advance.
2. CANCELLATIONS MUST BE MADE 24 HOURS BEFORE THE START OF THE FACE TO FACE CLASS, to allow people on the reserve list to join the class. If you are unable to join a face to face class you have the option to book on to one of our other remaining classes (subject to space and if cancellation is prior to 24 hour before class)
2.1 The membership includes face to face classes
3. Payment is to be made in 6 week blocks via our Acuity page.
4. NOTICE PERIOD: Please give us as much notice as possible if, for whatever reason, your regular time at our studio has to come to a permanent conclusion.
5. If you choose to cancel your Program this must be done before the start of the block
6. Cancellations must be made by text message or telephone call to 07941699931
Refunds are payable in the following circumstances: -
• An undeniably unavoidable circumstance prevents you from taking part in or completing your programme (determined on a case by case basis by the Company). Written evidence to support this may be requested.
• We are notified of your circumstances before the commencement of the Programme
• Programme Credits must be used within 30 days or will otherwise be forfeited.

Refunds are not payable in the following circumstances: -
• You have changed your mind.
•If you do not inform us of an injury that impacts your ability to attend the paid for classes
• Refunds are not payable for Sessions which have taken place
• You have completed the programme.
• You have booked Pilates Sessions and are not at the agreed location to receive the session at the appointed time.
• An appointment needs to be cancelled by the Company due to severe external conditions. An alternative appointment will be offered for a future appointment or an additional class will be added to your next month’s allowance of classes.
6. Personal Property
6.1 Personal property brought to sessions are done so at the participants own risk and the Company does not accept liability for any loss or damage whatsoever to such items. For security reasons participants are advised to leave valuable items at home, and to keep personal belongings with them at all times.
7. Changes to Programme
7.1 Because we believe in constant improvement, you agree that the form and nature of the Programme may change from time to time without prior notice to you.
8. Media and technology
8.1 Clients recognise that technology is a powerful tool within marketing and sharing amazing results with members of the public. Therefore, Clients give permission for photography, filming and social media communication can take place during (and outside) the Programme and unless otherwise told the Company has permission to display media such as photos and videos of Clients on facebook/website and other marketing sources.
Clients understand that any comment they say/write/film can be used as a testimonial to promote the Company. This includes photos as well.
9. Privacy
We respect your privacy and must insist that you respect the privacy of fellow Programme participants. By signing overleaf, you agree not to violate the publicity or privacy rights of any participant.
(1) Not to infringe any participant’s or the Company’s copyright,
(2) That any confidential Information shared by participants or any representative of the Company is confidential and proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the participant who discloses it or the Company,
(3) You agree not to disclose such information to any other person or use it in any manner other than in discussion with other participants during sessions.
By signing this Agreement, you further agree that
(4) All materials and information provided to you (for example exercise plans) by the Company are its confidential and proprietary intellectual property, belonging solely and exclusively to the Company and may only be used by you as authorised by the Company.
(5) The reproduction, distribution and sale of these materials by anyone but the Company is strictly prohibited.
Further, by signing this Agreement, you agree that, if you violate, or display any likelihood or violating, any of your agreements contained in these terms and conditions, the Company and/or other participant(s) will be entitled to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations and to protect against the harm of such violations.
10. Communication
We value your feedback. Please feel free to email us with any concerns or comments to tony@balancedcoaching.co.uk
11. Conclusion
We have made every effort to accurately represent the Programme and it's potential. Each individual’s results depend on many factors, including their individual considerations from the outset, his or her dedication, desire, and motivation. By accepting these terms and conditions you acknowledge and agree to all of the above.

4 session package - W/C 12th August

Want start moving better and feeling more confident?

This is for you!
Join us for 4 sessions

Here is our timetable
Tuesday 9.30am - Epworth Imperial Hall
Tuesday 10.30am - Improvers Pilates - Epworth Imperial Hall
Tuesday 6pm - Barnby Dun Old school Hall
Wednesday 7pm - Wheatley, st Pauls church
Thursday 9am - Cantley Community Centre
Thursday 10am - Cantley Community Centre
Thursday 6.30pm - Belton Pavilion
Thursday 7.30pm - Improver Pilates - Belton Pavilion

Book 4 classes for £36.60