
Gift Certificates

Gift Certificate - For the Love of Animals - 60 minutes

This gift certificate can be redeemed for one 60 minute animal support session. The recipient can choose either an animal communication reading, Animal Design reading (per Human Design's mammalian matrix), or a combination of both. Valid for one year from purchase date.

Gift Certificate - Human Design Activation Reading - 30 minutes

Connect with and activate your inner truth with this 30 minute Human Design Activation reading with Lisa.

Are you unclear on how to make optimal decisions for your life? Have you been told to “use your head,” “follow your heart” or “trust your gut,” but you are still uncertain and feel confused? Making optimal life decisions are essential and we are all unique. This reading focuses on helping you to explore, activate and hone your connection with your Inner Authority per Human Design so you can navigate life decisions with more ease.

An Activation session can help you navigate your life with more certainty, inner clarity and ease. You will learn solid strategies that connect with your inner truth so you can be your own authority. Valid for one year from purchase date.

Gift Certificate - Human Design Partnership Reading - 60 minutes

Relationships & partnerships are complex. When individuals come together, each person experiences something new & different. Attraction, friendship, & push/pull experiences can arise. Each connection has its own unique interaction dynamics. Learning about your specific energetic Connection can bring higher awareness, understanding, and much greater compassion, harmony, peace & love.

You Receive: one 60 minute reading with Lisa + individual charts + couples chart + a video class + reading recording

Gift Certificate - Human Design Reading - 60 minutes

This gift certificate can be redeemed for a personal 60 minute Human Design video reading with Lisa (includes personal Human Design charts). Whether you are building your foundation of Human Design understanding or want to go deeper into what you already know, you can learn new layers of information. In my readings I see through the lens of your innate genius and strengths and hone in on your intuitive gifts. I see the full range of potential expressions of your energetic blueprint, recognize the challenges you face and give you tools to help transcend them, bringing you to a more exalted expression of your design so you can live the life you were meant to live.
Valid for one year from purchase date.

Gift Certificate - Intuitive Gifts Report

Do you want to know more about your intuitive gifts? This gift certificate can be redeemed for a written Intuitive Gifts Report. It entails a personal analysis of your intuitive gifts through the lens of your Human Design chart. It includes two personal Human Design charts as well. This can be recorded as an audio in lieu of a written report. Valid for one year from purchase date.

Gift Certificate - Soular Alignment Session - 30 minutes

This gift certificate can be redeemed for a 30 minute 1-1 Soular Alignment Session with Lisa. Soular Alignment Sessions are bespoke intuitive guidance sessions tailored to your needs and desires, so you can get in touch with your own sacred gifts and knowingness, so you can be your own authority and live your light as your most radiant self. Valid for one year from purchase date.

Gift Certificate - Soular Alignment Session - 60 minutes

This gift certificate can be redeemed for a 60 minute 1-1 Soular Alignment Session with Lisa. Soular Alignment Sessions are bespoke intuitive guidance sessions tailored to your needs and desires, so you can get in touch with your own sacred gifts and knowingness, so you can be your own authority and live your light as your most radiant self. Valid for one year from purchase date.

Gift Certificate - Soular Alignment Sessions - 120 minutes

This gift certificate can be redeemed for a a total of 120 minutes of one:one Soular Alignment Sessions with Lisa (redeemed in 30 and 60 minute sessions). Soular Alignment Sessions are bespoke intuitive guidance sessions tailored to your needs and desires, so you can get in touch with your own sacred gifts and knowingness, so you can be your own authority and live your light as your most radiant self. Valid for one year from purchase date.

Gift Certificate - Welcome New Baby Human Design Reading - 60 minutes

This gift certificate is a perfect gift to welcome a new baby! It can be redeemed for a personal 60 minute Human Design video reading with Lisa (includes personal Human Design charts). With it, parents can gain a deep understanding of their child's needs, personality, inclinations, gifts and strengths, intuitive gifts, challenges, best decision making strategy, conditions of their optimal environment, how to nourish their child through the lens of Human Design so you can guide them towards their true nature. With this reading of your baby's energetic blueprint, you can help them transcend challenges and give them the tools they need early in life, so they can live a more exalted expression of who they are, and do what they came here to do.
Valid for one year from purchase date.