The Kreative Kiln


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Kreative Membership

$10.00 initial setup plus $75.00 per month
Kreative Membership

This includes unlimited access to the 2 hour sessions M-Thurs 4:30pm-6:30pm & 7pm-9pm. In addition Fridays 2pm-4pm, 4:30pm-6:30pm, 7pm-9pm, and 9:30pm-11:30pm, and Saturdays 11am-1pm, 1:30pm-3:30pm, 4:30pm-6:30pm, 7pm-9pm.

This membership allows you to come in and use all the tools, supplies and studio space needed for throwing clay on the pottery wheels. Unlimited Kreative Members will receive a 20% discount on firings & glazing and all clay & tools purchased at The Kreative Kiln. $80/firing for entire kiln, $40/firing for half the kiln, and $3.50/piece if you don't have very many pieces to fire.

It also includes cubby space for your projects and access to our pottery instructors with any questions you might have while throwing clay on the wheel(Note, if Open Studio time is reserved during lesson hours, instructors will prioritize customers in lessons, however they will do their best to attend and help all members that need help.) No hidden fees, cancel or renew anytime.