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Release (No Refunds)
I hereby agree to participate in activities of, and hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Medina Swarm educational and training division of IRO, Inc. (the Swarm). In consideration of the acceptance of this application and participating in Swarm activities, I hereby agree to hold the Swarm, its members, directors, governors, officers, agents, superintendents, committees and/or members thereof, and all employees of said Swarm and any and all persons connected with or associated with said Swarm, in whatever capacity, harmless from (1) any loss or injury which may occur to any person or thing and/or which may be caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by any biting by or to, or any other act of, any animals in my charge, while in or upon the premises or grounds, or in, or at or near any entrance or entrances or exits thereto, whether or not and when the said dog or dogs is or are being delivered or removed or otherwise handled, and personally to assume full responsibility and liability therefore, and (2) the disappearance and/or loss by theft or otherwise, and/or the death of said animals caused by the negligence or carelessness of the Swarm, its members or any person or persons connected with the Swarm in any manner, or by any other person or persons and/or by any other cause or causes directly or indirectly operating while such person or persons and/or animal or animals is or are on the premises of any Swarm activities. I agree that any animal may be barred from activities if, in the opinion of Swarm, such animal is physically incapacitated or otherwise unsuited for such activities.
COVID WAIVER: I attest that to the best of my knowledge, I do not have COVID-19 at the time of attending this class, and understand the risks of unknowing exposure to this and other illnesses by or to myself, my family, other participants, and third parties. I have not been tested and found positive; am not waiting for test results; and do not have symptoms. I agree that I will not knowingly expose others to any illness I may have or be at risk to have. I will follow all Club rules and requirements to reduce any exposure and possibility of contracting or spreading the virus. I will also fully cooperate with and follow any City, County or State/Province guidelines that have jurisdiction in the area in which the event is taking place. If any of the above should change during the class sessions, I will inform the Club and proceed accordingly in light of the new information. • I agree that I am attending this class entirely at my own risk and assume all risk and full responsibility for my own health, wellbeing, and safety during this class. I fully agree that the Club, the owners/board members, employees, assistants and volunteers are in no way liable for any present or future COVID-19 exposure incurred at any time by any person, in attendance or not in attendance, during or after this class. I hereby waive and release the Site and Club, the owners/board members, employees, assistants and volunteers from any and all liability for damages or personal injury to me, my dogs or my property. • Further, I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Site and Club, the owners/board members, employees, assistants and volunteers from any and all claims by or liability to any third party arising out of my participation in the class. Any liability to anyone for any incident involving myself, the location, or those pets or actions of other participants and spectators will be my sole responsibility and I assume all financial liability and will also assume all and any financial costs associated with my actions.