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Intuitive Mentoring

3 Month Intuitive Mentoring Program

Receive 1:1 personalized guidance for sacred healing and personal growth.

This program is intended for those interested in ongoing intuitive growth while deepening the relationship with Self.

For those who value healing and growth, desire intimacy in relationships, and want to cultivate self trust and intuition.

It was created to be highly supportive for those seeking clarity guided by trust in their choices. To feel more confident and energized while moving towards their desired outcome of their goals.


Schedule virtual sessions with availability that works for you by redeeming the unique code emailed to you after checkout. All booking is done through our online calendar at your convenience. Recordings of each session will be sent to you within 24 hours.

My life work is to be of service to you, and to nature. Let us work together with themes of self care and self discovery to receive what has always been available to you.

3 Session Bundle -Intuitive Mentoring 60 min

3 Session Bundle - Intuitive Mentoring (60 min)

It takes commitment, sustainable growth, and integrated healing to create the life you desire. The 3 session bundle provides a committed container for this sacred healing & growth.

With ongoing support throughout multiple sessions, healing modalities offered through channeled guidance give space for incongruent beliefs and limiting patterns to surface. Insights, clarity, and direction on how to heal and clear what no longer serves you is personalized for your needs.

This bundle is for those who desire to take a deep dive into a certain topic, or area of their life with commitment for self care, reflection, and taking aligned action for healing.

Intuitive Mentoring is an opportunity to connect with your deeper knowing, spiritual support system, and ancestry though channeled guidance. As an Intuitive, I'm in service to you as a translator of the information that wants to come through for you. This is transformative work, as you allow yourself to receive and reflect throughout each session.

Details: Schedule your sessions week to week with our online calendar by redeeming the unique code emailed to you after checkout. This bundle allows 6 months to fulfill your 3 sessions, all which are 60-90 minutes via zoom. A link will be emailed to you 24 hours before your scheduled session for ease of access to join virtually. Each session is recorded and emailed to you for your records.