
Private Yoga Session Packages

10 Private Sessions


5 Private Sessions


Program Packages

One to One Health Counseling ($1,800, pay in full)

The One to One program is about taking charge of your health. You meet with health counselor Tahil Gesyuk twice a month for 6 months. Tahil does more then just work on nutrition with you, he is also a life coach. So many issues around food stem from what's going on in our life.
You will develop a language and confidence around health. The sessions consist of teaching you the basics of nutrition and the pro's and con's of many dietary systems. You will simply learn what works and what doesn't work for you with a qualified health counselor by your side.

One to One Health Counseling ($400/mo for 6 months)

per month for 6 months ($2,400.00 total)
The One to One program is about taking charge of your health. You meet with health counselor Tahil Gesyuk twice a month for 6 months. Tahil does more then just work on nutrition with you, he is also a life coach. So many issues around food stem from what's going on in our life.
You will develop a language and confidence around health. The sessions consist of teaching you the basics of nutrition and the pro's and con's of many dietary systems. You will simply learn what works and what doesn't work for you with a qualified health counselor by your side.

Program I - 5 Sessions for Pain & Overwhelm Relief

Body Pain
Session 1: Alignment assessment and customized corrective exercises 
Session 2: Nutrition assessment and customized diet and supplementation 
Session 3: Breathing assessment and customized breathing exercises 
Session 4: Strength assessment and customized strength exercises
Session 5: Flexibility assessment and customized flexibility exercises

Program II - 5 Sessions for Overwhelm Relief

Mind Pain
Session 1: Window of tolerance assessment and customized anchors of wellbeing to increase range of mind flexibility and ease. 
Session 2: Developing skills in pain management in deepening rapport with the unconscious mind. 
Session 3: Developing presence to what is through breath and attention.
Session 4: Self-hypnotic journey to relieve pain
Session 5: Body talk a unique self-dialogue of your felt sense and your body 

One to One Health Counseling - 6 Payments, 6 Months

per month for 6 months ($1,800.00 total)
This 6 month program meets every two weeks (at your convenience) to help you take charge of your health.

Health Counseling Training Program - 6 Payments

per month for 6 months ($4,200.00 total)
In-Person - Ukiah, CA + Zoom Sessions
OR Virtual Learning + Zoom Sessions

Health Counseling Training Program - 12 Payments

per month for 12 months ($4,200.00 total)
In-Person - Ukiah, CA + Zoom Sessions OR Virtual Learning + Zoom Sessions

Yoga Class Packages

1 month - 1 class/week


1 month - 2 classes/week


1 month - Unlimited


3 months - 1 class/week

Save 5%

3 months - 2 classes/week

Save 5%

3 months - Unlimited

Save 5%

6 months - 1 class/week

Save 10%

6 months - 2 classes/week

Save 10%

6 months - Unlimited

Save 10%

12 months - 1 class/week

Save 15%

12 months - 2 classes/week

Save 15%

12 months - Unlimited

Save 15%