Voodoo K9 Academy


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🎁£100 Training Gift Voucher🎁

Book online via https://VoodooK9academybooking.as.me/

Applicable to:
Initial assessment
Pet obedience
Home visits
Working dog sessions - sports ob and protection work
And behavioural modification sessions.
Please note gift certificates are not applicable to packages/bundles.

Use your code to book your session for when suits you!

Hurry gift certificates expire after 60 days

🎁£50 Training Gift Voucher 🎁


Behavioural Training

Behavioural Training - 4 week Programme

After your behavioural assessment for dogs with behavioural issues, you will be loaded onto the behavioural training programme. This is a 4-week programme, 1 session per week, 1-2-1 training to address the problems with your dog.

Behavioural Training - 6 week Programme

After your behavioural assessment for dogs with behavioural issues, you will be loaded onto the behavioural training programme. This is a 6-week programme, 1 session per week, 1-2-1 training to address the problems with your dog.

Obedience Training

Obedience Programme - 4x Obedience 1-2-1s


A tailored obedience programme for your dog to address the behaviours and training goals specific to the dog and owner, which would have been discussed during the initial assessment. The programme consists of four sessions spread over four weeks. Training sessions are 1-2-1 with the trainer focusing purely on your goals.

Obedience Programme - 6x Obedience 1-2-1s

A tailored obedience programme for your dog to address the behaviours and training goals specific to the dog and owner, which would have been discussed during the initial assessment. The programme consists of four sessions spread over four weeks. Training sessions are 1-2-1 with the trainer focusing purely on your goals.

Perfect Puppy Package - x5 Private Sessions

Do you want the perfect pup? Then this is the program for you!! The PPP is a block of 5 sessions, one each week so you can have that consistency that is vital to training! 1-2-1 sessions so you have focused time with the trainer.

Includes: sit, down, stay, walking to heel on lead, sit and wait, recall, food bowl manners (no snatching food, sit and wait to be told to eat) crate/bed training, leave (leaving food and unwanted items on the floor) and a retrieve and drop it.

Specialist Training

E Collar Training Course

6 Session course

Specialist equipment requires specialist training, experience and knowledge before applying to our beloved companions.
We pride ourselves on using E collars for applying in in-depth approach to foundation training, and conditioning and then application to various behaviours.
Voodoo K9 has extensive knowledge and success in E-Collar training for various cases including difficult behavioural cases, "stubborn" or "difficult" breeds, general obedience and the creation of reliable behaviours.