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A - Client Bundles

Ask The Herbalist - Client Annual Protocol_w/out Custom Herbal Remedy (PHONE)

Put YOUR HEALTH back into YOUR hands!

The Ask The Herbalist (1:1) sessions via video, phone, or in person are designed to establish realistic goals in alignment with your wants, desires, and intentions with respect to setting a solid foundation to your health and wellness. Together we could...

Discuss the ideal path for you and curate Holistic Wellness Concepts based on your current state of physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health.

Optimize the effectiveness of herbs, supplements, food as medicine, and MANY other natural / holistic wellness concepts.

Discuss a variety of supplements that have been effective within my practice that is NOT based on the latest fad / trend / gimmick / MYTH!

Re-establish your relationship with food and maximize success in making informed decisions regarding dietary lifestyle or food theories.

Experience relief with knowledge in reference to what actually WORKS for YOUR Mind-Body-Spirit!

Uncover a custom herbal protocol including a dosing strategy.

Custom Tea or Tincture blends - sold separately

Let's discover what feeling good feels like!

*The full TWO hours of Sessions must be used within 30 days of purchase.


Put YOUR HEALTH back into YOUR hands!

The Ask The Herbalist (1:1) sessions via video, phone, or in person are designed to establish realistic goals in alignment with your wants, desires, and intentions with respect to setting a solid foundation to your health and wellness. Together we could...

Discuss the ideal path for you and curate Holistic Wellness Concepts based on your current state of physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health.
Optimize the effectiveness of herbs, supplements, food as medicine, and MANY other natural / holistic wellness concepts.
Discuss a variety of supplements that have been effective within my practice that is NOT based on the latest fad / trend / gimmick / MYTH!

Re-establish your relationship with food and maximize success in making informed decisions regarding dietary lifestyle or food theories.
Experience relief with knowledge in reference to what actually WORKS for YOUR Mind-Body-Spirit!

Uncover a custom herbal protocol including a dosing strategy

Custom Tea or Tincture blends - sold separately

Let's discover what feeling good feels like!

*The full FOUR hours of Ask The Herbalist Sessions must be used within 60 days of purchase.

*App Members receive $100 OFF via a COUPON CODE - purchased within Innergy Med Group APP.


Put YOUR HEALTH back into YOUR hands!

The Ask The Herbalist (1:1) sessions via video, phone, or in person are designed to establish realistic goals in alignment with your wants, desires, and intentions with respect to setting a solid foundation to your health and wellness. Together we could...

Discuss the ideal path for you and curate Holistic Wellness Concepts based on your current state of physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health.
Optimize the effectiveness of herbs, supplements, food as medicine, and MANY other natural / holistic wellness concepts.
Discuss a variety of supplements that have been effective within my practice that is NOT based on the latest fad / trend / gimmick / MYTH!

Re-establish your relationship with food and maximize success in making informed decisions regarding dietary lifestyle or food theories.
Experience relief with knowledge in reference to what actually WORKS for YOUR Mind-Body-Spirit!

Uncover a custom herbal protocol including a dosing strategy

ONE Small Custom Herbal Remedy Kit - included

All Supplements are SOLD SEPARATELY.

Let's discover what feeling good feels like!

*The full EIGHT hours of Ask The Herbalist Sessions must be used within 75 days of purchase.

B - Herbalist Mentorship

LEVEL 1 - Herbalist Mentorship - GROUP

$21.00 initial setup plus $79.00 per month
CONGRATS! You've purchased Level 1 - Herbalist Mentorship - GROUP. This one`1 hour Group - Herbalist Mentorship meets once per week for a collective Q&A Session.

Are you ready to make your journey as an herbalist a priority?

When reevaluating your life path - professional / personal, it is important to HAVE A PLAN!

Ready to eliminate the desire to memorize or the fear of getting it wrong?

Let's get started! 

Be sure to fill out our the questionnaire to the best of your ability as you schedule.

LEVEL 1: Herbalist Mentorship (GROUP)
- FEE: Month ONE = $100 ($21 set up fee & $79 per month thereafter)

- (ONE) Weekly Group Session - 1 hour each
- (ONE) (1:1) Mentee Exit Interview - 45 Min (OPTIONAL; one-time at some point during or at the end of your Mentorship)

Level 2 - Herbalist Mentorship - (1:1) Mentee Strategic Planning

$50.00 initial setup plus $250.00 per month
CONGRATS! You've purchased Level 2 - Herbalist Mentorship

*One-Time Set Up Fee $50 waived for those who complete the Herbalist Mentorship Interview.

Aimed at aspiring herbalists or practitioners in the field, this two-hour strategic planning session provides mentees with guidance on developing their professional practice. The session covers business strategies, client management, and personalized advice on how to effectively use and teach herbal remedies based on experience/education. It also offers insights into the latest trends and research in the field of herbal medicine. This is an invaluable investment for anyone looking to advance their career in herbalism with expert guidance and strategic planning.


- ONE (1) 2-Hour Session

- TWO (2) 15-minute Courtesy Calls

- Customized Holistic Wellness Concepts

- Herb & Supplement Discounts

- Unlimited secure messaging / text support for up 30 days after their initial session

*NOTE: The (ONE) 2-HOUR Session and (TWO) 15 minute courtesy calls must be used within 30 days of purchase.

Are you ready to make your journey as an herbalist a priority?

When reevaluating your life path - professional / personal, it is important to HAVE A PLAN!

Ready to eliminate the desire to memorize or the fear of getting it wrong?

Let's get started! 

Be sure to fill out our the questionnaire to the best of your ability as you schedule.

Don't forget to be ON TIME, your appointment will be cancelled after 5 minutes, unless otherwise arranged.

Cash Pay Lab Options

144 Food Panel IgG (Blood Spot) - USBiotek Kit

This package is designed to review 144 Food Panel IgG (Blood Spot) - USBiotek Kit results and provide Customized Nutrition Education.

Let's discover what feeling good feels like!

- Lab Discussion 60 Minutes
- Customized Nutrition Education
- Herb & Supplement Discounts
- Unlimited secure messaging / text support for 14 days.

The Essence of You Lab Package - Includes One Comprehensive Lab Slip with ONE Lab Discussion

This package is designed to review the following lab findings to provide Custom Holistic Wellness Concepts to consider.

Comprehensive Lab includes: Lipid panel, CBC, CMP, Co Q10, HS-crp, DHEA,s, Estradiol, Ferritin, Folate, HgA1c, Homocysteine, Insulin, Iron w/ TIBC, Progesterone*, T3 Free, T4 Free, Testosterone total and free, Transferrin, TSH, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D

Why guess when you can know?!

- Ask The Herbalist Lab Discussion 60 Minutes
- Customized Holistic Wellness Concepts
- Herb & Supplement Discounts
- Unlimited secure messaging / text support for 14 days.