Chris Aguilar Coaching


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From Financial Chaos to Calm: Conquering Money Challenges with ADHD – 4 weeks core sessions, weekly follow up

This comprehensive course is designed to empower ADHD-impacted adults to take control of their finances and achieve financial freedom. Through interactive sessions, participants will learn practical strategies for overcoming budgeting challenges, developing healthy financial habits, and achieving their financial goals.

Please email me for sliding scale options!

Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the unique challenges faced by ADHD-impacted adults in managing their finances
• Identify their own budgeting strengths and weaknesses
• Develop a personalized budgeting system that aligns with their ADHD tendencies
• Implement effective strategies for tracking expenses, managing debt, and saving money
• Set realistic financial goals and create a plan to achieve them
• Develop financial resilience and prepare for unexpected expenses
• Cultivate a positive mindset towards money and financial management

Course Outline:

Module 1: Understanding ADHD and Its Impact on Financial Management
• Understanding the characteristics and challenges of ADHD in relation to financial management
• Identifying common financial struggles faced by ADHD-impacted adults
• Recognizing the strengths and advantages that ADHD can bring to financial management

Module 2: Creating a Personalized Budgeting System
• Assessing current financial habits and identifying areas for improvement
• Exploring various budgeting methods and selecting the most suitable approach for individual needs
• Setting up a budgeting system using tools and techniques that align with ADHD tendencies

Module 3: Overcoming Budgeting Challenges
• Addressing common obstacles faced by ADHD-impacted adults in maintaining a budget
• Developing strategies for staying organized, focused, and motivated with budgeting tasks
• Implementing techniques for managing impulsivity and avoiding impulsive spending

Module 4: Tracking Expenses, Managing Debt, and Saving Money
• Establishing effective systems for tracking expenses and identifying spending patterns
• Creating a debt repayment plan to eliminate debt and improve financial stability
• Implementing strategies for saving money consistently and achieving financial goals

Module 5: Setting Financial Goals and Creating a Plan to Achieve Them
• Defining short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial goals
• Breaking down financial goals into manageable steps and creating a timeline for achievement
• Identifying resources and support systems to enhance financial goal attainment

Module 6: Financial Resilience and Unexpected Expenses
• Building an emergency fund to prepare for unexpected expenses
• Developing strategies for managing financial setbacks and adapting to changing circumstances
• Cultivating a positive mindset towards money and maintaining financial well-being

ADHD Personal Transformation: Unleashing Your Potential and Living Your Best Life (8 weeks)

Course Description:
This comprehensive course is designed to empower ADHD-impacted individuals to unlock their hidden potential, overcome challenges, and achieve personal fulfillment. Through interactive sessions, participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning practical strategies for managing symptoms, enhancing self-esteem, and cultivating a positive mindset. The course will also provide guidance on setting and achieving personal goals, building healthy relationships, and creating a fulfilling life.

Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the unique strengths and challenges of ADHD
• Identify their own personal goals and aspirations
• Develop personalized strategies for managing ADHD symptoms and improving daily functioning
• Enhance self-esteem, confidence, and self-belief
• Cultivate a positive mindset and resilience in the face of challenges
• Establish healthy habits and routines for overall well-being
• Strengthen relationships with family, friends, and colleagues
• Create a vision board and actionable plan to achieve their personal goals
• Discover and pursue their passions and interests
• Embrace their ADHD as a source of strength and creativity

Course Outline:

Module 1: Understanding ADHD and Its Impact
• Delving into the Neurobiology of ADHD: Exploring the brain's executive functions and how ADHD affects them
• Identifying the Spectrum of ADHD Presentations: Understanding the different subtypes of ADHD and their unique characteristics
• Recognizing the Strengths and Advantages of ADHD: Uncovering the hidden gifts and potential associated with ADHD

Module 2: Embracing Self-Discovery and Personal Growth
• Unveiling Your ADHD Identity: Exploring how ADHD shapes one's personality, strengths, and challenges
• Embracing Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion: Cultivating a positive self-image and learning to embrace ADHD as an integral part of oneself
• Harnessing the Power of Neurodiversity: Recognizing the value and contributions of neurodiverse individuals in society

Module 3: Managing ADHD Symptoms and Enhancing Daily Life
• Establishing Effective Routines and Habits: Creating structure and consistency in daily life to manage ADHD symptoms
• Implementing Strategies for Focus, Organization, and Time Management: Overcoming challenges related to attention, planning, and task completion
• Utilizing Technology and Tools to Enhance Productivity: Leveraging helpful apps, software, and assistive devices to streamline tasks

Module 4: Cultivating Self-Esteem and Positive Mindset
• The Power of Positive Self-Talk: Reframing negative thoughts and cultivating a growth mindset
• Embracing Positive Affirmations and Mindfulness Practices: Incorporating techniques to enhance self-awareness, reduce stress, and promote emotional well-being
• Building a Support Network: Seeking guidance, encouragement, and inspiration from mentors, coaches, and supportive individuals

Module 5: Setting and Achieving Personal Goals
• Defining Clear and SMART Goals: Establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for personal growth
• Breaking Down Goals into Manageable Steps: Creating a step-by-step plan to achieve goals and maintain motivation
• Celebrating Accomplishments and Recognizing Progress: Acknowledging achievements and milestones along the journey of personal transformation

Module 6: Building Healthy Relationships and Fostering Connections
• Understanding Communication Styles and Preferences: Recognizing and adapting communication approaches to enhance relationships
• Practicing Effective Communication Skills: Expressing needs, setting boundaries, and building mutual understanding
• Cultivating Empathy and Compassion: Developing the ability to connect with others on a deeper level and build meaningful relationships

Module 7: Creating a Fulfilling and Purposeful Life
• Discovering Passions and Interests: Identifying areas of personal interest and exploring opportunities for engagement
• Pursuing Creative Expression and Hobbies: Unleashing creativity and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment
• Contributing to Society and Making a Positive Impact: Identifying ways to utilize unique strengths and talents to make a difference in the world

Module 8: Embracing ADHD as a Source of Strength and Creativity
• Reframing ADHD as a Source of Innovation and Problem-Solving: Recognizing the unique strengths and perspectives that ADHD can bring to creative endeavors
• Celebrating Neurodiversity and Embracing Authenticity: Embracing the unique qualities of ADHD and living authentically
• Sharing Experiences and Inspiring Others: Connecting with others with ADHD, sharing personal stories, and fostering a supportive community

Executive Functioning for Executives: ADHD Executive Coaching – 6 week course (option for bi week coaching afterwards)

This comprehensive course is designed to empower executives with ADHD to harness their unique strengths, overcome executive functioning challenges, and achieve their professional goals. Through interactive sessions and personalized coaching, participants will learn practical strategies for enhancing focus, organization, time management, and self-regulation, enabling them to thrive in their demanding roles.

Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the neurobiology of ADHD and its impact on executive functioning
• Identify their own executive functioning strengths and weaknesses
• Develop personalized strategies for enhancing focus, organization, time management, and self-regulation
• Implement effective techniques for managing distractions, prioritizing tasks, and meeting deadlines
• Cultivate self-awareness and self-management skills to navigate work-related challenges
• Establish a supportive network of mentors and colleagues for ongoing professional growth

Course Outline:
Module 1: Understanding ADHD and Executive Functioning
• The neurobiology of ADHD: Exploring the brain's executive functions and how ADHD affects them
• The impact of ADHD on executive functioning: Identifying the key challenges faced by executives with ADHD
• Recognizing the strengths and advantages that ADHD can bring to executive leadership

Module 2: Enhancing Focus and Attention
• Understanding the science of attention: How the brain focuses and the factors that influence it
• Implementing attention training techniques to improve focus, concentration, and reduce distractibility
• Developing strategies for managing distractions in the workplace and maintaining focus during meetings and presentations

Module 3: Mastering Organization and Time Management
• Creating effective organizational systems to manage tasks, projects, and deadlines
• Utilizing productivity tools and techniques to enhance time management skills
• Developing strategies for prioritizing tasks, overcoming procrastination, and avoiding overwhelm

Module 4: Strengthening Self-Regulation and Emotional Management
• Understanding the role of self-regulation in ADHD and its impact on professional performance
• Implementing strategies for managing emotions, reducing stress, and preventing impulsive reactions
• Cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion to enhance emotional intelligence and resilience

Module 5: Navigating Work-Related Challenges with ADHD
• Recognizing and addressing common work-related challenges faced by executives with ADHD
• Developing strategies for communicating ADHD needs to colleagues and superiors
• Fostering a supportive work environment that accommodates ADHD and promotes neurodiversity
Module 6: Building a Supportive Network for Professional Growth
• Identifying mentors, coaches, and colleagues who can provide support and guidance
• Building a network of peers and allies who understand ADHD and its impact on work
• Leveraging the resources and support systems available within the organization