
Inclusive Leadership

Power Strategy Session

This power strategy session is for you to address 2-3 DEI challenges and leave with a DEI Strategy Asset document custom designed for you.

This is a 3-hour virtual 1-1 work session with me, where we'll tackle 2-3 key anti-racist/DEI challenges you want to work on.

You will walk away with actionable solutions for each issue so you can move forward as an effective inclusive leader with confidence.

The 3-hour session that can be split into three 1-hr or two 1.5-hr blocks. You can also simply utilize the three hours in one session meeting.

Intercultural Development Inventory—Assessment + Coaching Combo

You've read all the books and attended all the trainings, but you still find yourself frustrated and unable to show up as an inclusive leader in real time.

I know how frustrating that is especially when you’ve done SO much self-work already.

The good news is that once you are aware of your competencies, you can chart a roadmap for your growth and make intentional and strategic moves to bridge that gaps in your skills.

It all starts with knowing where you are now!

This package includes:
📌 30-minute strategy session
📌 20-minute online assessment
📌 Detailed report of your results
📌 Intercultural Development Continuum framework video
📌 90-minute intensive consultation to review your results, identify your orientation, and chart your development plan
📌 4-week email check-in progress

ABOUT THE IDI ASSESSMENT: This assessment acts as a mirror for how you engage cultural diversity and identifies what holds you back from effectively bridging across cultural differences. It helps you see the gap between your perception of your inclusivity and your current ability to actually be inclusive. Through the assessment process you will also gain the template for a personal development plan to improve your ability to be truly inclusive.

Utilized by 4000+ organizations in 60+ countries, this assessment is consistently considered one of my clients' favorites because it provides both clarity AND actionable insights to tangible improve their inclusive leadership skills.