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Hatha Yoga Packages

Hatha Yoga Sunday Package - 10 x In Person Classes With Shekinah

Align your body, heart and mind with strength, willpower, concentration, diamond sharp focus, determination, self discipline, functional and structural stability. Connect the physical body with spiritual energy to calm and focus the mind on a goal, bringing it into a state of meditative absorption while increasing vitality. Stoke the inner alchemical fires of purification, personal transformation and empowerment. This class is designed to be energizing, supporting and stabilizing the yang principle.

Purify, activate, ground, balance and strengthen.

Sundays 10 - 11:15am

Hatha Yoga Monday Package - 13 x In Person Classes With Shekinah

Supportive for opening the body's receptivity to trust, intuition, compassion. This is a yin focused class that connects the physical body and senses with spiritual energy to soothe and soften, deeply relax, increase receptivity to the regenerative Life Force, also felt as universal Love which is unconditional and eternal. Find clarity and align with the love and wisdom of your body. Deeply listen and hear that “still small voice within”. Increase your flexibility, surrender to the inner silence and language of your heart and soul.

BECOME The Living Sanctuary you seek.

Soften, expand and receive divine grace.

Mondays 9:30 - 11am

Hatha Yoga Monday Package - 5 x In Person Classes With Shekinah

Supportive for opening the body's receptivity to trust, intuition, compassion. This is a yin focused class that connects the physical body and senses with spiritual energy to soothe and soften, deeply relax, increase receptivity to the regenerative Life Force, also felt as universal Love which is unconditional and eternal. Find clarity and align with the love and wisdom of your body. Deeply listen and hear that “still small voice within”. Increase your flexibility, surrender to the inner silence and language of your heart and soul.

BECOME The Living Sanctuary you seek.

Soften, expand and receive divine grace.

Mondays 9:30 - 11am

Hatha Yoga Wednesday (All Access Pass) - 13 x In Person Classes

Start this session with heart breathing, seated spinal flow, mudra, Om chanting, visualization and meditation with Shekinah, before Alyssa offers a blend of gentle flow yoga and somatic practices that incorporate beginner friendly pranayama and self massage!

Attend BOTH CLASSES back to back from 9 - 11:15am, or just one for which your purchasing options are different. *This package gives you full access to flow between all the classes.* Attend any of the Hatha Yoga Classes on the Mystic Mountain schedule for $222*

Wednesdays 9 - 11:15am
Meditation with Shekinah (9-10am) followed by Yoga with Alyssa (10-11:15am)

Meditation (Wednesday) Package - 10 x In Person Classes With Shekinah

This class focuses on heart breathing, heart-brain coherence, inner peace and harmony using a seated spinal yoga flow, mudras, Om chanting, visualization, intention and meditation.

Wednesdays 9-10am

Hatha Yoga Wednesday Package - 10 x In Person Classes With Alyssa

Alyssa offers a blend of gentle flow yoga and somatic practices that incorporate beginner friendly pranayama and self massage!

Wednesdays 10 - 11:15am

Hatha Yoga Wednesday Package - 5 x In Person Classes With Alyssa

Alyssa offers a blend of gentle flow yoga and somatic practices that incorporate beginner friendly pranayama and self massage!

Wednesdays 10 - 11:15am

Sound Immersion (Wednesday) Package - 5 x In Person Sessions With Robert

Evening Sound Immersion with Robert for your regular weekly “tune up”. Your body is an instrument designed to resonate in harmony with Nature, Self and Soul. Attend weekly sessions to self regulate, create heart-brain coherence and return to natural, harmonious resonance. Sessions soothe the nervous system and support a calm and balanced mind (and emotions), relax the physical body releasing muscular and nervous tension. This is accomplished through gentle vibrations of the Tibetan Singing Bowls… producing a cellular massage affect which loosens stagnant Qi, and releases latent vitality. Through repetition and with regularity, establish peace within.

Wednesdays 7 - 8:30pm

Hatha Yoga Thursday Package - 13 x In Person Classes With Kerri

This class led by Kerri is strengthening, slow moving, breath focused, guides with precision and focused awareness, invites relaxation, and explores the power of mantra.

Thursdays 9:30 - 11am

Hatha Yoga Thursday Package - 5 x In Person Classes With Kerri

This class led by Kerri is strengthening, slow moving, breath focused, guides with precision and focused awareness, invites relaxation, and explores the power of mantra.

Thursdays 9:30 - 11am

Temple Dance Packages

Dance Of The Spiritual Warrior Package - 10 x In-person Classes

Are you ready to heal and activate the psychic gifts and powers of your Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra? In this class we align with physical strength, willpower, focus, concentration, strong determination, discipline, functional and structural stability to activate and awaken The Spiritual Warrior within. This class utilizes the quantum mechanics of "the cube" in sacred geometry as a foundation for exploring the support and stability of The Divine Masculine Principle.

Tuesdays 4 - 5pm

Dance Of The Sacred Heart Package - 13 x In-person Classes

Are you ready to heal, activate & spiral open your Heart Chakra? This class reclaims The Divine Feminine and The Heart as sacred and worthy of leading with love and wisdom. Supportive for opening the body's receptivity to grace, sensuality and intuition through radical self love and compassion, self trust, devotion and surrender to The Divine. Activate The Leader within you who unapologetically advocates for humanity and Mother Earth. This class utilizes "the sphere" as a guide to embodying The Divine Feminine.

Tuesdays 5:30 - 6:45pm

Dance Of Sovereign Creative Power Package - 13 x In-person Classes

This master class is pure love, consciousness and bliss in meditative motion using dance as the mode for communion and union with The Divine. It is a powerful, loving, wrathful, transformational and transcendent form of active prayer and embodied spirituality.

Prerequisite for this Temple Dance Mastery Class is completing 21 classes: 10 masculine embodiment, 10 feminine embodiment, and 1 class combing the two modules.