

In-Person: Tantric Introduction

2 separate 2 hour in person sessions

During your journey will be encouraged to communicate with me by email or text for support along the way. You will be invited to complete homework assignments that may include reading, journalling, meditation and/or personal sensual practices.

In-Person: Tantric Shamanic Journey

4 separate 2 hour in person sessions.

During your journey will be encouraged to communicate with me by email or text for support along the way. You will be invited to complete homework assignments that may include reading, journalling, meditation and/or personal sensual practices.

Zoom Coaching: 3 month Tantric Shamanic Journey

$50.00 initial setup plus $400.00 per month for 3 months ($1,250.00 total)
Sessions are 2 hours in length every 3 weeks for 3 months. (5 sessions total)
During your journey will be encouraged to communicate with me by email or text for support along the way. You will be invited to complete homework assignments that may include reading, journalling, meditation and/or personal practices.