
Rolfing® Session Gift Certificate

Located at 3005 Sterling Circle, Suite 100 in Boulder, CO 80301

Appointment Options

Children's Rolfing® Session

Children's Rolfing® Sessions are available for Children ages 0-16.

Single Rolfing® Session

During your initial Rolfing® session, I will conduct a functional assessment of your body and address the connective tissue in order to release restrictions and unwind compensation patterns.

Three (3) Rolfing® Sessions

If you've been through the Rolfing® ten series and would like a tune-up, this is a great option for you! If you're a new client and want to address a particular issue or are interested in experiencing the first three sessions of a ten-series before committing, this is also a great option.

Rolfing® Ten Series

10 Rolfing® Structural Integration sessions progressively designed to resolve system-wide compensation patterns and bring your body to its next highest level of order.

Four-handed Rolfing® Session

Address unsupportive patterns, fascial restrictions, and functional inhibitions to promote structural integration.

Package of 3 Four-handed Rolfing® Sessions

Address relational patterns and commit to your next highest level of order with a four-handed mini-series.