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Choice Wellness Group Membership

per month
Embrace a New Era of Healthcare with Choice Wellness Group for Only $99 per Month!

Welcome to CWG Membership, our exclusive monthly subscription service designed to cater to your health and wellness needs with the utmost convenience and care. For just $99 per month, unlock a world of benefits and personalized healthcare experiences at all Choice Wellness Group locations.

Membership Benefits:

-Unlimited Telehealth: Avail unlimited telehealth consultations with our medical experts, offering you convenience and immediate access to healthcare.
-Exclusive Discounts on Procedures: Enjoy a 10% discount on all cosmetic and weight loss procedures at any of our clinic locations.
-Monthly Wellness Visits: Benefit from a 20-minute wellness visit each month, ensuring your physical health is continuously monitored and maintained.
-Monthly Mental Health Support: Take advantage of a 30-minute mental health visit every month, providing you the support you need for your mental and emotional well-being.

-Cancel Anytime: We believe in flexibility and convenience, which is why you can cancel your Choice Wellness Group membership at any time, hassle-free.

Why Choose Choice Wellness Group Membership?

Choice Wellness Group Membership is more than just a subscription; it's a commitment to your continuous health and well-being. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing you with personalized care and attention. Whether it's managing your day-to-day health, enhancing your beauty, or embarking on a weight loss journey, Choice Wellness Group Membership is your partner every step of the way.