
10-in-10: 10 years younger in 10 weeks

With the 10-in-10 plan, you’ll slow down ageing and add years to your longevity by optimising metabolic health, gut health, brain health, liver health, and emotional health resulting in peak performance, productivity and prosperity.

What’s Included

- 2 tests: cutting edge biological age test + metabolic test
- 2 devices: state-of-the-art sugar sensor and sleep sensor
- 2 private consultations with a leading health and longevity Doctor
- Strategic self-care plan: Understand how to optimise your health and longevity

When you purchase the 10 years younger in 10 years plan you will be asked to set up an initial meeting with me Dr Alka Patel to get started.

10-in-10: 10 years younger in 10 weeks- Instalments

per month for 3 months (£3,495.00 total)
With the 10-in-10 plan, you’ll slow down ageing and add years to your longevity by optimising metabolic health, gut health, brain health, liver health, and emotional health resulting in peak performance, productivity and prosperity.

What’s Included

- 2 tests: cutting edge biological age test + metabolic test
- 2 devices: state-of-the-art sugar sensor and sleep sensor
- 2 private consultations with a leading health and longevity Doctor
- Strategic self-care plan: Understand how to optimise your health and longevity

When you purchase the 10 years younger in 10 years plan you will be asked to set up an initial meeting with me Dr Alka Patel to get started.