Group Classes

  • 10-Pack Intro Classes


    Purchase a set of 10 Intro Classes and create your own schedule to attend by clicking "Select and Add Another time" when booking group classes. Build in a skip week as needed if you have a scheduling conflict. Purchasing this package will generate a coupon code to redeem when you book your 10 class sessions. No need to book all 10 sessions up front, you can come back with your unique code.

Membership - Tails to Trails

  • Tails to Trails

    CA$169.00 per month

    Rolling Entry (Join Anytime) - Tuesdays 5:15 PM (Summerside boardwalk - across from Staples) - Saturdays 10:30 AM (meet at Wilmot Community Centre) Love staying active with your dog? Want dog friends and human friends to boot? Join Tails to Trails Group walking program! Equipment Needed: Treats & Poop Bags Harness or flat collar Clicker (optional) Plenty of water and a bowl for your dog Minimum 15', up to 30' Long line, AND a short 6' leash as a backup A favorite toy or reinforcer Mat or towel for settling and/or drying if dogs get wet/dirty

Quick Review

  • Video Review


    Email me a video of your dog's concerning behaviour (less than 1-2 minute video length) and I will reply by narrating my comments over your original video. If your video is too large to attach, use to get a transfer link where you can upload your video for free. If using We Transfer, make sure you set the expiry to 7 days so I have enough time to review it!