
Gaming Leagues

  • Competitive Two-team Esports Membership — $415/month* (3-month minimum)

    $415.00 per month

    Competitive Teams: Fortnite, Valorant, Rocket League, Overwatch 2, Apex Legends Memberships include: TWO Esports Team Membership per season* Valhallan Esports League Fee Seasonally ($25 each season per player) Includes Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer Esports seasons + Year-round pre-season and off-season weekly team practices. 10% off Summer Camps & Birthday Parties Add a 3rd Esports team at a discounted rate of $195/month (can be used for same game or shared between siblings) Let us know your game choice in "Note to Business" *3-month commitment required. After initial 3-months, subscriptions are month to month until cancelled in writing with 30 days advanced notification. We ask that you stay through any active season so that your player does not quit on their team.