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Initial Enquiry Conversation

15 minutes

If you're interested in having an initial conversation about any of 4i's range of services or learning products, you can schedule a time to talk with us and get answers to any questions you have.


  • Any available

Los Angeles, CA

  • Dr Tom Alan-Livernois

    Availability based on Pacific Time, Monday-Friday

Sydney, Australia

  • Tim Collings

    Founder CEO at 4iGroup, helping CEOs create extraordinary organisations by developing exceptional leaders.

    I lead 4iLeadership, and contribute directly to the development of outstanding leaders as a Coach and I hope an example of great leadership (still working on that!), as well as overseeing many of our team engagements and being primary client contact for our major client relationships.

    If you want your leadership to make the world better, we look forward to working with you.

    All the best,