Synergy Wellness Center

Please select the appointment type you want to schedule. If you are unsure about what type to schedule or your favorite date is unavailable then call or text us at 661-878-9100 and our awesome scheduling staff will try to help you out.

1 Choose Appointment

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I would like to schedule...
30 minutes @ $50.00
If you are you considering liposuction (or any body shaping procedure) then this is the right appointment type for you. Dr. Trobisch is a true artist in this field and has been trained in advanced high definition liposculpture by masters around the world. The consultation fee will be applied to the cost of the procedure (or any other service at Synergy if you are not a good candidate for liposuction).
(GMT-7:00) Pacific Time change Time Zone
No times are available in the next month (from March 28, 2025 to April 27, 2025)

2 Your Information

3 Confirmation