Intro/Networking with Lisa Mink on Zoom with Mink Enterprise Group
15 minutes
Welcome to our online scheduling calendar. We're glad you're here.
Please note that all times are booked in MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE in the US. The time you select will be a different time for you if you are not in the same zone. If you set up an account in Acuity it will translate your appointment to your time zone from mine.
Be sure to click CONFIRM at the bottom of the page after you choose your time. If you successfully book your session, you will receive a confirmation email. If you don't receive a confirmation email, you did not complete the booking. Please email Lisa at if you have trouble.
We will call you for your session or, if zoom, dial in via the included Zoom link, unless other arrangements are made, so be sure to give us the best phone number to reach you including country code each time you schedule. That way we can call you as scheduled or reach you if there is an issue.
Intro/Networking with Lisa Mink on Zoom with Mink Enterprise Group
15 minutes