
1826 Burnham St West Columbia SC 29169 - COMING SOON with Scott Properties of the Midlands - COMING SOON
IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions before you register for one of our property showings.
CLICK THE SHOWING TIME BELOW [example 3:00] TO REGISTER TO VIEW THIS HOME! If the property you want to view is currently listed as COMING SOON, simply click on the bogus [1:00 am - 1:15 am] showing time below to register and we will contact you when this property is available to show for the first time. The confirmation email that you will get via email, after you register, will further explain the process. We look forward to seeing you at the property on your showing day and time. Our group property showings last for 15 minutes, so don't be late. We don't want you to miss out on an opportunity to rent this home.
1826 Burnham St West Columbia SC 29169 - COMING SOON with Scott Properties of the Midlands - COMING SOON