You will receive a confirmation email after booking and a reminder email and text message 72 hours prior to your appointment.

50 minutes
50 minutes
This is a 50 minute individual telephone therapy session bulk-billed under a Mental Health Care Plan and special Medicare item for COVID-19.
50 minutes
This is a 50 minute individual Zoom Video Conference therapy session bulk-billed under a Mental Health Care Plan and special Medicare item for COVID-19.
50 minutes
50 minutes
Individual therapy session number 21+ or after hours. Please note this appointment is NOT bulk-billed. The full fee is payable at the time of the appointment and you will receive a rebate from Medicare under a mental health care plan within 1-3 days. Sessions are only commenced after an initial phone consultation.
50 minutes
Individual therapy session 21+ or after hours.. Please note this appointment is NOT bulk-billed. The full fee is payable at the time of the appointment and you will receive a rebate from Medicare under a mental health care plan within 1-3 days.