(GMT-5:00) Central Time change

This is a brand new system for our scheduling as of August 22, 2022. If you have not yet made a profile in this new system you will be asked to fill out a complete health history form as if it is your first visit and to create a new login. Please take the time to do this in full for your first time. If you are coming back to this system please login before continuing.

As you are scheduling your appointment please make sure to double check which location you are scheduling for. You should get a reminder email for the appointment with the appointment details in it upon proper completion.

If you are feeling ill or have had any significant exposure to someone who is positive for Covid-19, the flu or are contagious in any way please cancel with as much notice as possible.

If you are not canceling because of illness or exposure we have a 24hr cancelation policy. If you cancel with less than 24 hrs and we are not able to fill the time you are responsible for the full cost of the appointment.

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