Oracle of Los Angeles

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1. Session Types
30 minutes @ $105.00
Have a focused question that you want to address but don't need a full session? Book this reading by phone or Zoom to tackle your questions fast. (ZOOM OR TELEPHONE ONLY). PLEASE NOTE ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE IN PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (PST) AND ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. RESCHEDULING ONLY PERMITTED WITH 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE.
1 hour @ $200.00
Using divinatory methods such as tarot, scrying, pendulums, runes and other forms intuitive counseling, these sessions help you find clarity, confidence and peace of mind. Sessions last one hour and can be performed in person or via Skype or telephone. PLEASE NOTE ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE IN PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (PST) AND ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. RESCHEDULING ONLY PERMITTED WITH 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE.
1 hour 15 minutes @ $245.00
Using energy work, breath, tarot, astrology and essential oils, we'll perform a soul retrieval on the fragmented parts that resist being grounded in you. We'll remind your lost parts that it's safe to come home.  It's safe to trust yourself, to trust your body, and to get the things you need. PLEASE NOTE ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE IN PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (PST) AND ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. RESCHEDULING ONLY PERMITTED WITH 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE.
1 hour 30 minutes @ $280.00
Take time to reflect on your current choices and get powerful insight into the options you have available to you. This session includes intuitive counseling consultation, energy clearing, tarot numerology and life path analysis, some basic astrology, and an in-depth tarot reading, and suggestions for activities you can do at home to create transformation. PLEASE NOTE ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE IN PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (PST) AND ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. RESCHEDULING ONLY PERMITTED WITH 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE.
1 hour 30 minutes @ $280.00
Beginning with an energetic clearing, Healing Sessions usually include some or all of the following: Reiki, breathwork, shamanic practices, chakra balancing, or other rituals of healing to help you remove energetic blocks and return to a state of vitality. PLEASE NOTE ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE IN PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (PST) AND ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. RESCHEDULING ONLY PERMITTED WITH 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE.
1 hour 30 minutes @ $280.00
Each ceremony is tailor-made to meet your needs and may include divination, healing work, ceremonial magic and ritual to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Ceremonies can include banishing; cord cutting; rituals to call in love, abundance, healing, success, protection and more. Expect to bring in special items for the working, and to complete follow up activities to help the ceremony take root. Questions? Please see FAQs. PLEASE NOTE ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE IN PST AND ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
30 minutes @ $90.00
This session is for package clients only. You may use this time for whatever you wish in your package - healing, divination, coaching, ritual, astrology, whatever makes sense for you. You may also combine this session duration with other session durations (1 hour, 1.5 hour) as you see fit. When you purchase a package, we design a program for you during your first session and in your intake form.
1 hour @ $180.00
This session is for package clients only. You may use this time for whatever you wish in your package - healing, divination, coaching, ritual, astrology, whatever makes sense for you. You may also combine this session duration with other session durations (half hour or 1.5 hour) as you see fit. When you purchase a package, we design a program for you during your first session and in your intake form.
1 hour 30 minutes @ $252.00
This session is for package clients only. You may use this time for whatever you wish in your package - healing, divination, coaching, ritual, astrology, whatever makes sense for you. You may also combine this session duration with other session durations (half hour or one hour) as you see fit. When you purchase a package, we design a program for you during your first session and in your intake form.
2. Workshops and Public Events
7 hours @ $208.00
Sonnets are ‘little songs’; devotional objects created to energize, celebrate, honor and evoke creative power. In Sonnets for the Muse, a new, day-long workshop in Edinburgh (and Amanda’s first offering in the UK!), Rebecca Sharp & Amanda Yates Garcia will help you take these traditional forms into radical embodied invocations to revitalize your creative and spiritual practices. 20% off, early bird $208 before 3/21, after $260. For more information email
Gift Certificates & Packages
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Drawing from all my modalities, we use ceremony; ritual; body and energy work; astrology; tarot; intuitive counseling and straight up coaching to take your life up to the next level, whether that means making more money, supporting yourself through your passions, finding happiness and peace of mind, or whatever it is that matters to you most. Cost is $720 for 4 x 1 hour sessions, saving you $80 if you were to book the sessions individually. You can also mix and match your session types, up to 240 minutes (4 hours). Please note that, as with all significant change, this package requires commitment. To attain full benefit, clients need to follow up with doing work on their own outside of our sessions. Packages are non-refundable.
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This package includes 7 x 1 hour sessions and is recommended mainly for Amanda's long time clients who want to work with her more consistently. When you buy this package you get $140 off the usual price.
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Get your fabulous friend a gift certificate they can use on a half hour reading with the Oracle of Los Angeles.
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Get your fabulous friend a gift certificate they can use on an hour reading with the Oracle of Los Angeles.
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Get your fabulous friend a gift certificate they can use on a Grounding Session with the Oracle of Los Angeles.
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Get your fabulous friend a gift certificate they can use on a 1.5 hour session of their choice with the Oracle of Los Angeles.