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Join in a loving, supportive community for the intuitively inclined
Do you desire a deeper connection with others on a spiritual path?
We’ll come together around a topic each month where we’ll explore how to evolve and
receive divine guidance and mental, emotional and spiritual healing to support our lives.
Our time together will include collective discussion, guided meditation and a variety of
energetic and shamanic healing techniques.
monthly gathering - location varies in Lafayette, CO
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can...
Our hearts can connect to a greater cosmic heart and our minds can connect to a higher consciousness. These channels can get clouded or disconnected by collective fears, family programming or wounding life experiences. We can also have conflict between our heads and our hearts and end up with walls and incongruencies that keep desired manifestations out of reach. This guided meditation will clear and strengthen these channels and will align the head and the heart.
Shanin will be tuning in, offering personal energy readings and sharing
what she witnesses for each attendee, while Maggie leads the groups into sacred space to receive guidance and healing.