Online booking is provided for our patients convenience. You may use the self service functions to cancel or reschedule up to 24 hours prior to the appointment time.

Confirmations emails will be generated automatically and you should also receive a Whatsapp reminder 48 hours prior to the appointment.

Our doctor timings are not guaranteed and subject to changes. If you need to know which doctor is available on a particular day, please call us at:
The Chelsea Clinic (Wheelock #05-08A): 6735 8833

The Chelsea Clinic (Wheelock #04-09 - New Extension): 6463 7366

Should there be any other enquiries, cancellation, rescheduling or appointment making less than 12 hours, kindly call our clinic for assistance.

30 minutes
First time and unsure of what you want to do? Consult our doctors here!
Please take on this selection if you have not been to our clinic, Thank you!
20 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
Kindly arrive 15 minutes earlier as numbing cream is required.
25 minutes
Kindly arrive 15 minutes earlier as numbing cream is required.
30 minutes
Kindly arrive 15 minutes earlier as numbing cream is required.
30 minutes
Kindly arrive 15 minutes earlier as numbing cream is required.
30 minutes
Kindly arrive 15 minutes earlier as numbing cream is required.
50 minutes
Kindly arrive 30 minutes earlier as numbing cream is required.
50 minutes
Consultation is required for this treatment, kindly call in to The Chelsea Clinic (WHEELOCK) @ 6735 8833 for appointment booking.
50 minutes
Kindly arrive 30 minutes earlier as numbing cream is required.
25 minutes
*ONLY* available at The Chelsea Clinic (WHEELOCK)
40 minutes
20 minutes