How many sessions and how often

  • The LipoTherapeia® Plus treatment simultaneously works for both cellulite removal and skin tightening / lifting
  • We always recommend 6-12 sessions for best, long-term results (or at least 3 sessions for a quick top-up before holidays)
  • Most people book 6 sessions and if they need more later, they book another 6
  • Book twice a week, once a week or once in two weeks, leaving at least one day's gap between any sessions

Your first session includes free 20-minute consultation

  • An extra 20 minutes will be automatically added to your first session for your free assessment and consultation
  • You do not need to do anything: your appointment starting time will remain the same and an extra 20 minutes will be added to the end of your session

Course discounts

  • 5 +1 FREE: When booking 5 sessions you get +1 free session (this is equivalent to 17% discount). Just book 5 sessions all at the same time and we will email you a coupon code to book your free session (within 24 hours, Mon-Fri).
  • 9 +3 FREE: When booking 9 sessions you get +3 free sessions (this is equivalent to 25% discount). Just book 9 sessions all at the same time and we will email you a coupon code to book your three free sessions (within 24 hours, Mon-Fri).
  • You can also book one session to assess the treatment and then still be eligible for the 5 +1 free or 9+3 free offer. In that case you will just need to book the remaining +5 or +11 on the day and pay for +4 or +8 sessions.

More info

  • For more info on treatments and courses, please go to our booking page
  • For any questions or any specialised areas that don't appear on the calendar (e.g. flanks, knees, hands, neck etc), or combinations of two, three or more areas, please message us or call us on 02071182014 (weekdays & Saturdays 10-6)
  • Please note our full-fee, 48-hour notice cancellation policy, for 20-70 minute sessions, and 72 hours for 80-120 minute sessions and for ALL Monday sessions. Full T&Cs.
  • Pay securely with Visa, Mastercard, Amex and ApplePay

  • 0/ Expert consultations and skin ultrasonography

  • 1/ LipoTherapeia® Plus Body

  • 2/ LipoTherapeia® Plus Face

  • 3/ High-power LED phototherapy

  • 4/ The Cellulite School™ | Training and consultancy for professionals