6 hours @ £500.00
This 1:1 class includes: Equipment provided: - Wig and nude cap - Wig head and stand - Needle and thread - Styling equipment - Lace tint You will be taught: - Bleaching lace frontal knots - Plucking the frontal - Lace frontal wig cons ...
5 hours @ £150.00
Disclaimer: You’re welcome to bring your own hair model for the class. If you’d like us to provide one, please let us know as soon as you’ve booked your 1-on-1 session so we can make arrangements. Here’s what your session will include: ...
- Leave out
2 hours 45 minutes @ £85.00
This appointment includes:
-Sewing the hair in.
-Styling (The style will be depend on the type of hair if you want something different as a style please include it as an add-on) - Closure (Mini frontal)
2 hours 30 minutes @ £95.00
This appointment includes: -Cainrows -Sewing the hair in. -Customising the lace (pluck & bleach) *CLOSURE/FRONTAL NEEDS TO BE SENT TO THE LOCATION 72HRS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT* -Styling (The style will be depend on the type of hair if ...
- Frontal
2 hours 45 minutes @ £110.00
**** This appointment applies to 13x4/13x6 frontals ONLY**** This appointment includes: -Cainrows -Sewing the hair in. -Customising the lace (pluck & bleach) *CLOSURE/FRONTAL NEEDS TO BE SENT TO THE LOCATION 72HRS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTME ...
- Half up-Half down
2 hours 30 minutes @ £80.00
This appointment includes:
-Sewing the hair in.
-Styling (The style will be depend on the type of hair if you want something different as a style please include it as an add-on) - Frontal ponytail/bun
2 hours @ £95.00
**** This appointment applies to 13x4/13x6 frontals ONLY**** This appointment includes: -Moulding/slicking the hair with edge control. -Sewing the hair in. -Customising the lace (pluck & bleach) *CLOSURE/FRONTAL NEEDS TO BE SENT TO THE ...
- Ponytail/bun
1 hour 20 minutes @ £60.00
This appointment includes:
-Moulding/slicking the hair.
-Sewing the hair in.
-Styling (The style will be depend on the type of hair if you want something different as a style please include it as an add-on) - Clip in install
1 hour 40 minutes @ £80.00
This appointment includes:
-Installing your clip ins
-Styling (The style will be depend on the type of hair if you want something different as a style please include it as an add-on) - Quick Weave
2 hours 10 minutes @ £70.00
*You can book a half up half down, frontal, closure or a leave out install*
This appointment includes:
-Placing a cap on the braids
-Sealing the cap with a spray
-Gluing the tracks
-Styling the hair.
- Wig customisation
1 hour 20 minutes @ £65.00
This service is for customers who have a ready made frontal/closure wig they wish to be customised. This is NOT a wig fitting appointment. Your hair will be styled (straightened/curled) but not melted/glued down. For that service you ne ...
- Lace Closure Replacement & Install
2 hours 30 minutes @ £115.00
This appointment includes: -Replacing your closure with a brand new one -Installing the wig -Styling the hair -Customising the lace (pluck & bleach) *CLOSURE/FRONTAL NEEDS TO BE SENT TO THE LOCATION 72HRS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT* -Att ...
- Lace Frontal Replacement & Install
2 hours 30 minutes @ £125.00
This appointment includes:
-Replacing your closure with a brand new one
-Installing the wig
-Styling the hair
-Customising the lace (pluck & bleach) - Half up-Half down
1 hour @ £50.00
This appointment includes:
-Re-installing and slicking the top half of your half up half down *YOUR HAIR NEEDS TO BE WASHED AND DRY*
-Styling your hair
- Frontal
3 hours @ £140.00
**** This appointment is for making a wig on your head during the appointment **** This appointment includes: -Cainrows -Wig construction on your head. -Customising the lace (pluck & bleach) *CLOSURE/FRONTAL NEEDS TO BE SENT TO THE LOC ...
- Closure (Mini frontal)
2 hours 40 minutes @ £125.00
**** This appointment is for making a wig on your head during the appointment **** This appointment includes: -Cainrows -Wig construction on your head. -Customising the lace (pluck & bleach) *CLOSURE/FRONTAL NEEDS TO BE SENT TO THE LOC ...
- U-Part wig
2 hours 40 minutes @ £110.00
**** This appointment is for making a wig on your head during the appointment **** This appointment includes: -Cainrows -Wig construction on your head. -Fitting -Styling (The style will be depend on the type of hair if you want someth ...
- Wig fitting (Frontal or closure)
1 hour 45 minutes @ £100.00
**** If your frontal is a 360 please include that in the add-on **** This appointment includes: -Cainrows -Nude cap -Customising the lace (pluck & bleach) *CLOSURE/FRONTAL NEEDS TO BE SENT TO THE LOCATION 72HRS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT* ...