(GMT-4:00) Eastern Time change
30 minutes
1 hour
1 hour 30 minutes
2 hours
Community Group
2 hours
No signup needed, just show up!

The Ann Abor Modern Quilt Guild meets at Maker Works every last Wednesday of the month at 6pm. The first meeting is free, with subsequent meetings costing $10 up to the amount of a membership.

Guild meetings and events are always a place to socialize with other quilters, find a place to ask questions or get help on your quilting or share your expertise with others.

Learn more about the Ann Arbor Modern Quilt Guild here: https://www.a2mqg.org/
2 hours
Thank you for registered for Fix-It-Friday! We're excited to see you.

Please plan on arriving no later than 5:30pm as the shop closes at 6:00pm.

If this is your first time here, it can be difficult locating our building. Please see this page for details: https://maker-works.com/about#directions
Craft Classes
10 hours @ $299.00
Join us for a hands-on, four-part series designed to introduce you to the most popular tool at Maker Works! Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the Laser Engraver or an experienced user looking to dig deeper, this series offers something for everyone.

This series will familiarize you with the Epilog Laser Engraver, its Rotary Attachment, the Inkscape software, kerf, masking, and more!

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
10 hours @ $349.00
Join us for a hands-on, four-part series designed to introduce you to the most popular tool at Maker Works! Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the Laser Engraver or an experienced user looking to dig deeper, this series offers something for everyone.

This series will familiarize you with the Epilog Laser Engraver and Rotary Attachment, Inkscape, kerf, masking, media blasting, and more!

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours @ $70.00
Learn the Amaya CNC embroidery machine and commercial embroidery software (DesignShop). Be authorized to use the embroidery machine with membership. This machine is great for monogramming clothes or towels, decorating bags and accessories, making patches, and customizing baseball caps. Each student walks through the process step-by-step to learn the basics of creating a sew file and embroidering.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours @ $70.00
Learn the Formlabs Form 2 resin 3D printer and slicing software (PreForm). Be authorized to use the Form 2 with membership. This machine is great for high-detail prints like engineering/jewelry prototypes, miniatures/figurines, medical models, and more. Each student learns the basics of preparing a file, washing the print in an isopropyl alcohol bath, and curing the print in a UV curing chamber (Form Cure).

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
1 hour 30 minutes @ $55.00
Learn the Epilog laser cutter/engraver, our most popular tool! Be authorized to use the laser with membership. This machine is great for engraving and cutting a wide range of materials: woods, plastics, papers, fabrics, foams, foods, and more. This tool has spawned several businesses! Each student walks through customizing a design file, operating the laser, and engraving/cutting their own ruler to take home.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours @ $70.00
Get introduced to sewing with a machine in this beginner-friendly class. Learn the basics of sewing machine operation, including threading, bobbin loading, changing the needle, adjusting tension, and sewing fundamental stitches. This class provides a solid foundation if you're interested in advancing your sewing skills and taking classes like our Zippered Tote Bag and Industrial Sewing!

Ages 9-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
1 hour 30 minutes @ $50.00
This class will introduce you to the Prusa i3 MK3S+ 3D Printer. This machine is great for making 3D models of prototypes and fun and useful objects. You will learn basic tool operation with an emphasis on safety and how to use the associated software, PrusaSlicer. With the successful completion of this class you will be certified to use the Prusa 3D Printer with membership on your own.

Ages 9-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours @ $70.00
Learn all about zippers and one of the ways they can be added to a sewing project. We recommend basic sewing skills for this class, which you can learn in our Intro to Sewing class. Learn how to sew with a zipper foot, join bag pieces with consistent seam allowances, stabilize the zipper area, and finish seams. Walk away with a custom zippered tote bag.

Ages 9-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
Jewelry Classes
2 hours 30 minutes @ $90.00
Learn the lost-wax casting process! Be authorized to execute this process at Maker Works and use the kiln, with membership. Lost-wax casting has been used for hundreds of years and is still the way most pieces of cast jewelry are created, including rings. This process creates detailed castings in pewter, silver, and other metals through the use of wax models. This class covers how to create a wax model, invest a flask, and do a centrifugal cast.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
1 hour 30 minutes @ $55.00
Learn the Smith "Little Torch" oxy-acetylene system and auto-ignition propane torch. Be authorized to use both with membership. These two torches allow you to solder, braze ("silver solder"), anneal, and melt jewelry metals. The Smith torch is great for fine and professional jewelry thanks to its small flame tip, while the propane torch's auto-ignition is great for more general tasks.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
Metal Classes
12 hours @ $349.00
Join us for a hands-on, four-part series designed to introduce you to the most popular power tools in our metal shop. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn new skills or an experienced metal fabricator seeking access to tools, this series offers something for everyone.

Learn to operate essential tools: Pedestal & Angle Grinder, Ironworker, Drill Press, Band Saw, Plasma Cutter, MIG + TIG Welder.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
12 hours @ $349.00
Join us for a hands-on, four-part series designed to introduce you to the most popular power tools in our metal shop. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn new skills or an experienced metal fabricator seeking access to tools, this series offers something for everyone.

Learn to operate essential tools: Pedestal & Angle Grinder, Ironworker, Drill Press, Band Saw, Plasma Cutter, MIG + TIG Welder.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
1 hour @ $35.00
Learn the angle grinder, belt sander, pedestal grinder, and wire wheel. Be authorized to use them with membership. These tools are great for welding prep, clean-up, and deburring (especially pieces that are plasma-cut). This class covers basic operation with an emphasis on safety. Each student gains hands-on experience while being closely observed by the instructor to ensure the student develops proper techniques.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
1 hour 15 minutes @ $45.00
Learn to operate the CNC plasma cutter to create precise cuts in sheet metal using computer-aided design. Be authorized to use this tool with membership. This class covers basic operation. Students will gain hands-on experience cutting their own steel item to take home. See our Metal Abrasives class for tools that you can use to easily remove dross from plasma-cut pieces.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
3 hours @ $105.00
Learn the Millermatic 211 MIG welder and Syncrowave 180SD TIG welder. Be authorized to use them (and the spot welder) with membership. These machines are great for welding various materials — mainly steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. This class covers basic operation and setup with an emphasis on safety. Each student gains hands-on experience practicing on steel and being observed by the instructor.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours 30 minutes @ $90.00
Learn the powder coating process. Be authorized to use it at Maker Works with membership. This class covers media blasting, powder application in our application booth, and part curing in our 28"x32"x37" oven. Each student gains hands-on experience in creating a professional and environmentally-friendly finish that is more durable than conventional paint, all with instructor guidance and advice. At the end, take home your own powder-coated piece!

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
30 minutes @ $20.00
Learn the Scotchman 45-ton Ironworker. Be authorized to use it with membership. This tool is capable of two functions: punching holes in up to 1/2" thick mild steel; and shearing plate, rod, and angle iron mild steel (no aluminum). This class covers basic operation with an emphasis on safety and is Maker Works' shortest class. Each student gets to punch holes!

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
Software Classes
3 hours @ $105.00
Get introduced to Computer Aided Design (CAD) with Fusion 360! No experience required. This class covers: the purpose of CAD, the basic 2D sketch -> 3D feature -> modify sequence of creating any 3D part, dimensions, constraints, parameters, equations, and more. The concepts covered are applicable to all parametric CAD in general, even if you don't use Fusion 360.

Make a free account here: https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/personal

Ages 12-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours @ $70.00
Get introduced to Inkscape, the free and open-source vector illustration alternative to Adobe Illustrator! Inkscape is a must-have skill for the laser cutters, plasma cutter, embroidery machine, vinyl cutter, and more. This class covers the fundamentals of vector graphics: create, scale, rotate, and delete polygons as well as individual nodes. Get personalized advice for your projects. Then, export your designs in the appropriate formats for Maker Works tools.

Ages 12-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours
Come join us to help with repairs at Fix-It-Friday!

Repairs may include lamp sockets, toasters, chair legs, and the occasional pachinko machine. It -is- expected that an attendee will peer over your shoulder! We don't expect you to bring anything, though many volunteers often bring their own personal toolbox.
Wood Classes
2 hours @ $70.00
Learn the miter, table, and panel saws. Be authorized to use them with membership. Students complete various cuts on each saw as they learn basic operation with an emphasis on safety. This class is often the first in a prospective woodworker's journey!

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
1 hour 30 minutes @ $55.00
Learn our drill presses and bandsaws, for both wood and metal (6 tools total!). Be authorized to use the wood drill press, metal drill presses, wood resaw bandsaw, small wood bandsaw, vertical metal bandsaw, and horizontal metal bandsaw (with membership). Students focus on essential safety concepts like feeds, speeds, and workholding strategies. This class is one of the most critical for wood- and metal-working.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
1 hour 30 minutes @ $55.00
Learn to use the jointer, planer, and drum sander for creating smooth, flat, and dimensioned wood surfaces. Be authorized to use them with membership. This class covers the basics of each tool and emphasizes safe operation. Students will practice flattening and smoothing rough lumber, preparing it for furniture building, cabinetry, or other fine woodworking projects.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
1 hour @ $35.00
Learn to use the router table (with a spacious 42" x 24" surface) to shape, groove, and detail wood edges. Be authorized to use the tool with membership. This class covers the basics of router bits, speed settings, and safe operation techniques. The large table surface offers stability for a range of wood sizes, perfect for furniture building, cabinetry, and other woodworking projects.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours 45 minutes @ $90.00
Learn the 4ft x 8ft ShopBot CNC Router and VCarve software. Be authorized to use the ShopBot with membership. Students learn how to design paths in VCarve to cut or engrave wood, plastic, or foam, gaining hands-on experience with a focus on safety. This class enables you to make almost anything — giant signs, furniture, decorations, and more. Look up "what can you make with a CNC router" and be amazed.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
2 hours @ $70.00
Learn to use the wood lathe to "turn" wood into bowls, spindles, and other rounded objects up to 12" in diameter. Be authorized to use the lathe with membership. This class covers safety and essential techniques for shaping, smoothing, and finishing. Students gain hands-on experience and are given time and support after class to turn and take home their own completed bowl.

Ages 13-15 with a guardian, 16+ solo
x Special Events - Tours
45 minutes
Click on a date & time that you'd like to take a free tour of Maker Works! A staff member will cover the wood shop, metal shop, craft area, jewelry studio, and electronics studio in around 1 hour.

If you would prefer a focus on one specific area OR a tour shorter than 45 minutes, please see option 2 (free private tour) at www.maker-works.com/tours.

If you are bringing more than 8 people, please see option 3 (free group tour) at www.maker-works.com/tours.

We look forward to seeing you!