Welcome to Lashious Studio! Please browse the list below and select your desired beauty service.
The following apply to our services:
- 5% GST added to the cost of the service.
- A credit card is required to hold all appointments.
- A deposit is required for some appointment types (including permanent makeup and full sets of lashes). ALL DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
- All prices are subject to change without prior notice.
ATTENTION Permanent Makeup Clients:
- If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you can NOT have any permanent makeup services done.
- You MUST be 18 years or older to have permanent makeup services done.
- You must wait 2 weeks after receiving botox or filler injections before receiving a permanent makeup service.
- All touch up prices on the booking bars are the starting price. Based on how long it has been since your service was done, the price will go up accordingly.
If you are booked in for a FREE touch up (paid for with initial visit) and you cancel or reschedule 48-24 hours prior to your appointment time there will be a charge of $40. If you cancel or reschedule 24-0 hours prior to your appointment time there will be a charge of $60. Even though this service is free, you are still taking up a substantial time slot.
Permanent makeup appointments may only be rescheduled with the permission of the artist or the deposit will be void.
6-8 week touch ups are highly recommended
- If it has been longer than 2 years since your last permanent makeup appointment (brows or lips) please contact us for pricing
ATTENTION Lash Clients:
Thank you for understanding that there is a high demand for appointments.
If you require more information prior to scheduling an appointment please text or call 306-202-9799