Tree of Life Acupuncture

32 Union Square E #804, 8th, New York, NY 10003 (917) 613-8810

Welcome to Tree of Life Acupuncture Clinic! We are happy to work with you.

If you are coughing and have a temperature, we can treat you with herbs and homeopathy remotely, please do not come to the office and do a PCR test.

NEW PATIENTS: Please book under "New Client/ Initial Visit", fill out our intake form, and email it to us at


Chinese Herbs (Delivery available) Nutritional or Homeopathic consultations

PACKAGES: Scroll down to see our PACKAGES and gift certificate offers.

Packages must be used within 4 months for 10 visits of the purchase date. (scroll to the bottom of the screen to see Cost Saving Packages)

* All appointments are non-refundable after the services are performed and require 24-hour cancellation to avoid a full visit fee.

Difficulties booking your appointment, please call or text us (917) 613-8810

Thank you for putting your trust in Tree of Life Acupuncture! We look forward to seeing you soon!

    • NEW CLIENT ONLINE CONSULTATION 20 min (Telemedicine Consultation)


      We discuss your medical condition, symptoms and complaints and you will receive a treatment protocol recommendations. Homeopathy, Herbs, and Quantum Bioresonance sessions can be done from a distance. A completed patient intake form mu ...

    • NEW CLIENT SOUND THERAPY with Acupuncture 40 min long


      Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that uses vibrational and resonant quality instruments to promote relaxation, balance, and overall well-being. Singing bowls, tuning forks and acupuncture needles will be placed on special energ ...

    • NEW CLIENTS SPECIAL: 3 Body Acupuncture Sessions - Save $30 (Regular $330)


      Good for new clients who want to experience acupuncture and save $30 This welcome offer in most cases allows you to see if your condition can be helped. Includes evaluation and treatment session. *** Must be used within a month of the ...

    • NEW CLIENTS SPECIAL: 3 Facial Acupuncture Sessions - Save $30 (Regular $350) 45-60 min long


      For Facial Acupuncture clients who want to experience the treatment and save $30.

      Includes evaluation and treatment session.
      *** Must be used within a month of the purchase date.

    • Medicinal Mushrooms and Chinese Herbs - ( 1 Monthly Supply) Customized for your immune system. Organic None GMO, Immune Boosting, Energy and Blood Tonic. Promote Longevity and Well-being. Anti-Cancer, anti-Tumor Properties.


      Additional benefits may benefit cardiovascular, respiratory health, body and liver detoxification, better sleep, lower blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels.
      (Consult your MD regarding taking herbs with other medications.)

    • NEW CLIENT Bioresonance Therapy Initial Visit (with Free Acupuncture) - allow up to 2 hours


      This initial session offers Free acupuncture cession and Bioresonance Evaluation and a balancing cession.
      Please come with no metal on you as much as you can. For women, please no forehead make-up.

    • NEW CLIENT Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) / Includes Free Acupuncture / - Evaluation, Set Up and Therapy


      This form or electromagnetic therapy has Rife and other frequencies for speicfic health conditions. This machine produces high levels of ATP (body energy). In our clinic, we used it for Lyme, Cancer support, health maintenance, and ...

    • Infrared Ozone Sauna 40 min session


      We use INFRARED OZONE SAUAN which offers deeper detox and body penetration than regular saunas. As your body pores open up ozone gets absorbed by the skin for deep detox action. Session duration is about 40 min and provides deep detox ...

    • NEW CLIENT Acupuncture Initial Visit - 60 min long


      New acupuncture clients are evaluated and examined. Includes acupuncture treatment and treatment plan. Lasts about 60 min.

      Multiple problems can be treated at the same time. Please eat within 2 hours of the appointment.

    • Bioresonance SCAN only (60 Min Long) NO balancing


      This initial session offers scanning of the organs and evaluation of body functions. FOr balancing book a regular cession.
      Different systems produce different way of testing. We pick best one for your needs.

    • NEW CLIENT PEMF Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - 30 min long (Mat or the Loop) (Copy)


      PEMF therapy charges your cells with energy so your body helping cells to regenerate and perform body functions better. Benefits include pain reduction, an increase in energy and vitality, FDA cleared PEMF therapy for brain cancer, p ...

    • NEW CLIENT Ozone Initial Visit (Colon Rectal or Vaginal Insufflations)


      Ozone therapy consultation, evaluation, and a cession included. The procedure last abt 4 Min. This session may include colon/rectal insufflation, ear, vaginal. For colon insufflations, clients insert a plastic tube in the rectum about ...

    • Bioresonance Therapy Follow Up Visit with Acupuncture - 60 min long


      Bioresonance follow up visits are based on previous initial results and build a longer strategy to improve health and vitality. Different machines and different healing modalities may be used to reach further wellness. Get acupuncture ...

    • FOLLOW UP - SOUND THERAPY with Acupuncture 40 min long (Copy)


      Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that uses vibrational and resonant quality instruments to promote relaxation, balance, and overall well-being. * Vibrational instruments produce sound waves that resonate with the body's natural ...

    • FOLLOW UP Bioresonance Therapy 10 VISIT PACKAGE with Free Portable Home Therapeutic Device (using Life Expert Device)


      Includes a Free Home Device value of $1,250. The device is preloaded with 70 programs for various balancing of body functions. Good for people who want to do therapy at home or have chronic problems and want to continue therapeutic ses ...

    • Acupuncture Follow Up Visit - 40 min long


      Acupuncture follow up is for established patients, usually lasts 30-40 min.

    • Acupuncture Facial Follow Up Visit - 40 min long


      Facial acupuncture session lasts about 30-40 min. Hair thing needles are inserted superficially in the facial area, wrinkles, and extremities to promote the flow of energy and blood, deliver nutrients and facial relaxation. Most peo ...

    • PEMF (Follow Up) Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - 30 min long (Mat or the Loop)


      PEMF therapy charges your cells with energy so your body helping cells to regenerate and perform body functions better. Benefits include pain reduction, an increase in energy and vitality, FDA cleared PEMF therapy for brain cancer, p ...

    • Cupping Therapy (Duration 15-30 min based on skin reaction).


      Cupping therapy reduces tension, muscle spasms, pain and helps detox the body. - Duration based on the skin reaction. Usually, 20 min long for fire cupping and 2-30 min for plastic cupping. Can be combined with acupuncture with $20 of ...

    • Cupping Wet Therapy with blood drawing - good for severe and chronic pain conditions (45 min long)


      May not be suitable for if you are on blood thinners. Helps with chronic pain, detox the body and relieves tension. The blood is being drowned and then cups are applied. The session lasts from 30-50 min depending on condition.

    • Biofeedback / Frequency Specific Microcurrent with Acupuncture Follow up Visit - 60 min long


      FSM follow-up visits with Acupuncture use previously obtained results to fine-tune selected health and wellness frequencies.

    • Hyperthermia with Infrared Sauna - 75 min visit


      Hyperthermia is 75 min long. The temperature inside the sauna is gradually raised to a "fever temperature" to stimulate and detox the body and kill heat-sensitive parasites, and bacteria. Often used for solid Cancer tumors, Lyme, co-i ...

    • Hyperthermia Local 60min


      Hyperthermia is 60 min long. Applied locally for slid LOCAL TUMORS temperature inside the sauna is gradually raised

    • LED Light Therapy for Acne or Skin Rejeuvenation - 30 min long


      The LED light is good for acne, facial skin problems and can be combined with cosmetic acupuncture for stronger affect.

    • Microcurrent Facial - 30 min long


      Microcurrent facial is a gentle electric stimulation of muscles and tissue mostly at acupuncture points and large muscle groups for anti-aging. It tones facial muscles with a gentle current and promotes the flow of energy and blood. ...

    • Folllow Up only! OZONE COBO POWERFUL 2 PROCEDURES for Immune System and Parasites / Cont. Ozone Flow 5 min (low concentradion) + High Concentration 400/500 CC


      Ozone benefits digestion, Detox, Liver and kills parasites, bacteria fungi, and improves the skin. For colon insufflations, clients insert a plastic tube in the rectum about 3 inches deep and the ozone will be delivered via either a pl ...

    • Ozone Therapy Colonics Hight Concention 350/550CC (Colon/Rectal Insufflations) Follow Up Canbe combined wth Ozone Continuous Flow forstronger effect!


      Ozone benefits digestion, Detox, Liver and kills parasites, bacteria fungi, and improves the skin. For colon insufflations, clients insert a plastic tube in the rectum about 3 inches deep and the ozone will be delivered via either a pl ...

    • Follow Up: Ozone Continuous Flow 5 min of continuous Ozone Flow for (Colon, Bladder, Vaginal) The tube is connected to the ozone machine.


      This method may be better for the Immune System and many Chronic conditions. For colon, vaginal / bladder or colon insufflation, clients insert a plastic tube about 3 inches deep and the ozone will be delivered via continuous flow. Th ...

    • Ozone Ear Insufflation Add On - 3-6 min visit


    • Chinese Herbs Monthly Supply. Powder or pills does not include an evaluation.


    • Chinese Herbs 15 day supply. Powder or pills does not include an evaluation.


    • Bioresonance training 60 min




  • Products & Packages

  • Gift Certificates & Products

    • Bioresonance + Acupuncture + Ozone Package. Buy 10 Visit Get 1 Free & Save $250 and additional $500E on Acupuncture Visits. Total Savings $750


      Bioresonance, Ozone Therapy, and Acupuncture Package of 10 visits plus 2 FREE Total 12 sessions. Good for chronic problems. Combine the power of Bioresonance Electromagnetic Therapy with Ozone and Acupuncture to supercharge your Immune System. Good for Immune System and any Chronic conditions or anyone who wants to greatly improve his/her health based on our clinic experience and my own therapy and journey to health and maximum performance. Must be a return Bioresonance Client. (Book initial Bioresonance visit first)

    • Bioresonance + Acupuncture Package. Buy 10 Visit Get 1 Free & Save $250 and additional $500E on Acupuncture Visits. Total Savings $750.00


      Bioresonance and Acupuncture Package of 10 visits plus 2 FREE Total 12 sessions. Good for chronic problems. Combine the power of Bioresonance Electromagnetic Therapy with Acupuncture Stimulation. Must be a return Bioresonance Client. (Book initial Bioresonance visit first)

    • Bioresonance + Acupuncture Package. Buy 6 Visit Get 7th @ 50% Off Free & 50% on Each Acupuncture Visit. Total Savings $450


      Bioresonance and Acupuncture Package of 6 visits. Good for acute problems. Combine the power of Bioresonance Electromagnetic Therapy with Acupuncture Stimulation. Must be a return Bioresonance Client. (Book initial Bioresonance visit first)

    • Bioresonance Training 60 Min Zoom or Face TIme


      Bioresonance devices set up and training 60min long

    • Chinese Herbs Order (30 DAY powder supply)


      Order Chinese herbs for your condition or immune system 30-day power form supply. Includes FREE shipping directly to your house. *** PLEASE PROVIDE your correct shipping address*** Also if you have any specific medical concerns or allergies let us know.

    • Chinese Herbs Order Online (15-day power supply)


      Order Chinese herbs for your condition or immune system 15-day power supply. Includes shipping directly to your house. *** PLEASE PROVIDE your correct shipping address*** Also if you have any specific meical concernt or allergies let us know.

    • Long Distance Consultation (Homeopathic) 90 Min Long


      DIstance and internet evaluation with homeopathic medicine prescription. The patient is paying for the evaluation time and the remedy prescription. The patient/clients may buy medicine over the internet or in his/her local area. The payment is for a case evaluation and time spent. NOT refundable and not transferable.

    • Medicinal Mushrooms and Chinese Herbs - ( 1 Monthly Supply) Customized for your immune system. Organic None GMO, Immune Boosting, Energy and Blood Tonic. Promote Longevity and Well-being. Anti-Cancer, anti-Tumor Properties.


      Medicinal Mushrooms and Chinese Herbs - ( 1 Monthly Supply) Customized for your individual needs. Organic None GMO, Immune Boosting, Energy and Blood Tonic. Promote Longevity and Well-being. Anti-Cancer, anti-Tumor Properties.

    • New Client Acupuncture Gift Certificate


      Acupuncture GIft Certificate for INITIAL VISIT. Included exam and treatment

    • New Client Gift Certificate Ozone Therapy (Colon Insufflation (like a colonic or Sauna)


      Ozone Therapy Colon insufflations (rectal or vaginal) also can be an Infrared Ozone Sauna therapy

    • Cupping Gift Certificate


      Cupping Therapy Visit. Includes exam and the treatment. Good for Pain Trigger Points, Tight Muscles and Stress. Also for people who are afraid of acupuncture needles, though we are gentle:)

    • Acupuncture Package - Buy 6 Visits Get 7th @ 50% Off (for returning clients)


      6 Visit acupuncture package + 7th visit @ $50 Off savings $50 If you are a new client, please buy an initial Acupuncture visit first. Must be used in 3 months or lose promotional value.

    • Acupuncture Package - Buy 10 Visits Get 2 Free Package


      Get 2 Free acupuncture visits when buying a 10 visit acupuncture packages total of 12 visits Save $180 on 2 free visits. If new client, please buy initial Acupuncture visit first Must be used in 4 months or lose promotional value.

    • Acupuncture + PEMF Package. Buy 6 Visits Get 1 Free.


      Acupuncture and PEMF work well together to rejuvenate the body and mind. Acupuncture needles are stainless steel and conduct well PEMF electromagnetic energy. Total savings of $300. Must be an established client, if not please book initial visit first.